Dr. Sandra Gottschalk
Dr. Sandra Gottschalk
Economics of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics
Dr. Sandra Gottschalk joined the ZEW Research Unit “Economics of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics” as researcher in 1998. Her research focuses on topics concerning the founding and closing of enterprises. In particular, she analyses the influence of the founder's human capital relating to performance, development, and probability of closing of start-up enterprises. Furthermore, her research work includes anonymisation methods of firm level data. She completed her dissertation “Unternehmensdaten zwischen Datenschutz und Analysepotential” in 2004, dealing with methods for generating factual anonymised firm level microdata and their use for statistical and econometrical analyses.
She is head of the ZEW Research Data Centre (ZEW-FDZ) and is therefore responsible for the administration of ZEW research data, which are provided to external scientists for research purposes.
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