ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment


Based on the ZEW Financial Market Test, up to 300 experts from banks, insurance companies and financial departments of selected corporations have been interviewed about their assessments and forecasts for important international financial market data every month since 1991. Participants are asked about their six-months expectations concerning the economy, inflation rates, interest rates, stock markets as well as exchange rates. One indicator is created and published from the results of the ZEW Financial Market Survey: The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment is a leading indicator for the German economy similar to the ifo Index.

The results are published and analyzed in the monthly publication Financial Market Report (only available in German). In addition, the survey findings are published in regular intervals via the press in the form of indicators and forecasts. The information service Reuters also publishes the aggregative survey results.

ZEW Index

Note regarding the chart

The accessible alternative of this chart is available via the highchart menu in "View data table" and, for screen reader users, the texts for the information displayed on hover in the corresponding screen reader notes.

Additional information

Detailed results of the latest survey

Historical time series


  • Steigende Zuversicht durch positive Signale aus der Wirtschaft
  • Eurozone: Verbesserte Lageeinschätzung
  • USA: Sinkende Lageeinschätzung und Konjunkturerwartungen
  • China: Lagebewertung verbessert sich deutlich
  • Sonderfrage: Inflationserwartungen weiterhin auf dem Rückgang