Latest Press Releases

  1. Research // 09.12.2003

    ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment: Good Prospects for 2004

    The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany increased considerably in December. The indicator now stands at +73.4 points compared with +67.2 points in November.
  2. Research // 04.12.2003

    Highly Qualified Employees to Benefit More from Further Training

    Highly qualified employees receive higher wage mark-ups after having completed further training than employees with lower qualifications.
  3. Research // 26.11.2003

    Third Stage of German Tax Reform: Businesses Benefit From a Reduction in Costs of Employing Highly Skilled Workers

    The third stage of tax reform significantly decreases the effective tax burden to which businesses are subject for the employment of highly qualified workers. Whilst a business must currently pay around EUR…
  4. Research // 17.11.2003

    Progress Report - East German Labour Market Policies and Measures to Promote Businesses in Need of Partial Reform

    Second progress report concerning economic developments in East Germany, produced by various economic institutes (ZEW, DIW; LAB; IfW, IWH) on behalf of the Federal government.
  5. Research // 17.11.2003

    Profits from Sales of Securities: Changes to Taxation May Significantly Reduce Returns

    The current discussion on the constitutionality of speculation tax, has reignited the debate on the taxation of private capital gains. It is now being considered whether a comprehensive retention tax on…
  6. Research // 14.11.2003

    Number of Start-ups in the Craft Sector Continues to Fall

    "Handwerk hat goldenen Boden" ("A trade in hand finds gold in every land"), for centuries, this saying was an accepted truism in Germany, one which promised craftsmen, and those who wished to learn such a…
  7. Research // 11.11.2003

    ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for November: Indicator Reaches New Annual High

    The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany has increased again in November after having consolidated in the previous month. The indicator now stands at +67.2 points compared with +60.3 points in…
  8. Research // 05.11.2003

    Firm Foundations in Germany: Downward Trend Weakens

    The bottoming-out of the persistent downward trend of firm foundations in Germany, since 1999 the case, seems to have been reached. The semi-annual examination of firm foundations in Germany by the Centre for…
  9. Research // 23.10.2003

    Service Providers in the Information Industry Assert Themselves through Innovation

    When it comes to maintaining their competitiveness, the renewal and improvement of internal business processes plays a considerable role for service providers. In view of this, service providers in the…