Latest Press Releases

  1. Research // 15.08.2012

    Avoiding Greenhouse Gases Through new Technologies – Only Firms Making In-House Adjustments Benefit from "Green" Technologies

    Using new technologies to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases within the production process can lead to an increase of productivity. Emission-reducing innovations, however, also require adjustments in the…
  2. Knowledge Transfer and Qualification... // 06.08.2012

    New ZEW Seminar Programme Available

    The new seminar programme of the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim has recently been published. From September 2012 to July 2013, ZEW offers numerous Expert Seminars on current issues. The…
  3. Information Economy // 31.07.2012

    Information Economy in Germany - Social Media Use Varies Significantly

    Social media increasingly find their way into everyday life. Not only private users, but also companies discover the potentials of these interactive media. Thus, one out of two companies in the information…
  4. Research // 24.07.2012

    ZEW Survey Among Energy Market Experts - Release of Pressure on Energy Prices is Only Short-Lived

    Until the end of 2012, major costumers in Germany probably do not have to expect further increases in energy prices. The picture, however, changes if looking on a five-year time horizon. Viewed from this…
  5. Information Economy // 23.07.2012

    Information Economy in Germany - Significant Changes While Sentiment Remains Positive

    At first sight, the economic sentiment of the companies in the information economy being surveyed by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) on a quarterly basis seems unchanged. With a minus of 0.3…
  6. CEE Indicator of Economic Sentiment // 19.07.2012

    ZEW-Erste Group Bank Economic Sentiment Indicator for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) - Expectations Decline

    Economic expectations for Central and Eastern Europe including Turkey (CEE) have decreased by 7.6 points in July 2012. The ZEW-Erste Group Bank Economic Sentiment Indicator is hence standing at minus 7.6…