Latest Press Releases

  1. Research // 12.03.2002

    More Venture Capital for Companies through Riester Pensions

    From 2002 onwards, pension reforms in Germany will lead to billions of euros in capital flows which will continue to grow year on year. In 2002, when the first year state funding of private pension schemes is…
  2. Research // 06.03.2002

    European Single Market still not Fully Integrated with 5 Billion Euros in Unnecessary Fund Costs each Year

    European regionalism with its various differing national restrictions is still proving to be a barrier to the complete integration of the European Single Market in terms of financial services. And it's savers…
  3. Research // 19.02.2002

    ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment: Positive Signs for the Second Half of the Year

    The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment derived from the ZEW Financial Market Survey rises to +50.2 points in February. This corresponds to an increase of +14.3 compared with the January result.
  4. Research // 17.01.2002

    Business-related Service Providers Make Little Use of Customer Relationship Management

    In the fourth quarter of 2001, only 20 per cent of business-related service providers integrated software-based management tools, also known as customer relationship management (CRM) solutions, into their…
  5. Research // 17.01.2002

    Is There an End in Sight for the Downturn among Business-related Service Providers?

    In the fourth quarter of 2001, the business-related service sector exhibited a seasonally-adjusted annual rate of growth in turnover of 1.7 per cent, thus continuing the upward economic trend evident since the…
  6. Research // 15.01.2002

    ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment: Number of Optimists Rises Significantly

    The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment derived from the ZEW Financial Market Survey rises to +35.9 points in January. This corresponds to an increase of 10.1 points compared with the December result.
  7. Research // 11.12.2001

    ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment: Upward Trend Unbroken

    The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment derived from the ZEW Financial Market Survey has gained 12.7 points in December and is now standing at +25.8.
  8. Research // 29.11.2001

    ZEW Financial Market Survey: European Stocks are the Top Tip for 2002

    For the upcoming year, experts recommend continuing to invest mainly in European stocks. European shares should account for 48 per cent of a model portfolio alongside shares from North America, Japan, and the…
  9. Research // 22.11.2001

    Mannheim Entrepreneur Manfred Fuchs Exhibits his Works at ZEW

    From November 21 to December 21, 2001, and from January 2 to January 7, 2002, ZEW (L 7,1 68161 Mannheim) will host an exhibition with works of Mannheim entrepreneur Manfred Fuchs. The exhibition is open to…