Latest Press Releases

  1. Research // 22.10.2003

    Positive Economic Trend in German IT-Related Services Sector

    The annual rate of growth in turnover in the German IT-related services sector increased to 2.1 percent in the third quarter of 2003, up from 1.8 percent in the previous quarter.
  2. Research // 21.10.2003

    Combining Family and Working Life Remains Difficult in Germany

    French women with children are more often employed than German mothers. This is the case despite the fact that French women are more frequently mothers, and also have more children than German women. In France…
  3. Research // 20.10.2003

    Restrained Use of E-Commerce as a Sales Channel to Reach End Customers

    Since the overwhelming success of the internet has seen its entry into private households, there has been much discussion regarding its potential as an online sales channel for products and services. Comparison…
  4. Research // 14.10.2003

    ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment: Consolidation at a High Level

    The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany fell slightly in October. The indicator now stands at +60.3 points compared with +60.9 points in September. The indicator thus suggests that optimism…
  5. Research // 16.09.2003

    ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment: Positive Trend Continues

    The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany continued to rise considerably in September. The indicator now stands at +60.9 points in comparison to +52.5 points in August. The analysts thus confirm the…
  6. Research // 10.09.2003

    Only Businesses with Works Councils Increase Productivity by Implementing Modern Work Forms

    Businesses with works councils manage to increase productivity by implementing modern work forms such as flat hierarchies, group work and profit centres. Businesses which lack a works council, however, are…
  7. Research // 04.09.2003

    ZEW-Survey: Businesses Respond to Need for ICT Specialists with Further Training

    In comparison to two years ago, the acute shortage in ICT specialists in Germany has significantly improved. At the end of 2002, a total of 2.8 per cent of businesses were looking to employ ICT specialists at…
  8. Research // 01.09.2003

    ZEW Energy Market Barometer: Consumers of Electricity, Mineral Oil and Natural Gas Will Need to Dig Even Deeper Into Their Pockets in the Future

    Experts predict an increase in the price of electricity, crude oil, mineral oil and natural gas. The ZEW Energy Market Barometer, a biannual survey carried out by the Centre for European Economic Research…
  9. Research // 25.08.2003

    Unemployed Over-53s Have an Unfairly Negative Reputation

    Older unemployed workers are often accused of taking excessive advantage of unemployment benefit. This sweeping accusation, however, is unjustified.