1. Discussion and Working Paper // 2016

    What Do a Million Observations Have to Say About Loan Defaults? Opening the Black Box of Relationships

    Using a unique dataset of more than 1 million loans made by 296 German banks, we evaluate the impact of many aspects of customer–bank relationships on loan default rates. Banks need historical data about their…

  2. Discussion and Working Paper // 2016

    An analysis of euro area bond maturities and simulation of the introduction of new CACs

    This paper studies the maturity structure of sovereign debt in the euro area and the penetration of the sovereign debt stock with a new type of collective action clauses (CACs), labeled Creditor Participation…

  3. Discussion and Working Paper // 2016

    Thinking About Prices versus Thinking About Returns in Financial Markets

    Prices and returns are alternative ways to present financial market information and to elicit financial market expectations. But do investors make sense of prices and returns in the same way? Also, do they state…

  4. Discussion and Working Paper // 2016

    Promoting Openness and Capitalizing on Europe’s Creative Potential – Literature Review and Data Collection

    One aim of the Innovation Union is to promote Openness and Europe’s Creative Potential. In order to achieve this goal 5 different commitments have been implemented within the Innovation Union: - C19:…

  5. Discussion and Working Paper // 2016

    Creating a Single Innovation Market – Literature Review and Data Collection

    One aim of the Innovation Union is to create a Single Innovation Market. In order to achieve this goal, 5 different commitments have been implemented within the Innovation Union: - C14:…

  6. Discussion and Working Paper // 2016

    Spillover from the Haven: Cross-border Externalities of Patent Box Regimes Within Multinational Firms

    Abstract This paper analyzes externalities of patent box regimes in Europe. Tax reductions in foreign affiliates of a firm that also provide a profit shifting opportunity reduce the user cost of capital and…