1. Discussion and Working Paper // 2023

    Child Penalty Estimation and Mothers' Age at First Birth

    Motherhood continues to pose significant challenges to women’s careers, and a correct assessment of its effects is crucial for understanding the persistent gender inequality in the labor market. We show that the…

  2. Discussion and Working Paper // 2023

    Favoritism by the Governing Elite

    In this paper, we study the extent to which ministers engage in regional favoritism. We are
    the first to provide a comprehensive analysis of a larger set of the governing elite, not just
    focusing on the primary…

  3. Discussion and Working Paper // 2023

    Bureaucratic Frictions and Innovation Procurement

    Is work overload a friction to public agencies? Using data on R&D procurements, patents, and contracting units from a US federal agency, we investigate how officer workload impacts innovation procurement…

  4. Discussion and Working Paper // 2023

    Inequality of Opportunity and Intergenerational Persistence in Latin America

    How strong is the transmission of socio-economic status across generations in Latin America? To answer this question, we first review the empirical literature on intergenerational mobility and inequality of…

  5. Discussion and Working Paper // 2023

    Households' probabilistic inflation expectations in high-inflation regimes

    Central bank surveys frequently elicit households’ probabilistic beliefs about future inflation. The responses provide only a coarse picture of inflation beliefs further away from zero. Using data from the…

  6. Discussion and Working Paper // 2023

    Testing for differences in survey-based density forecasts: A compositional data approach

    We propose to treat survey-based density expectations as compositional data when testing either for heterogeneity in density forecasts across different groups of agents or for changes over time. Monte Carlo…

  7. Discussion and Working Paper // 2023

    Changing the Game: The Role of Women in Experiential Learning

    Using economic games as a learning intervention in 56 Indian communities showed that involving more women led to greater success in sustainable water management two years after the intervention. Participation of…