1. Refereed Journal // 2018

    Differentiated Carbon Prices and the Economic Cost of Decarbonization

    Employing a numerical general equilibrium model with multiple fuels, end-use sectors, heterogeneous households, and transport externalities, this paper examines three motives for differentiated carbon pricing in…

  2. Refereed Journal // 2018

    Deep transformations of the energy sector: A model of technology investment choice

    Economy-energy equilibrium models have emerged as a dominant tool to investigate future pathways taking into account technological aspects, economic behavior, markets, and policy. A challenge for any model is to…

  3. Refereed Journal // 2018

    The Intergenerational Incidence of a Green Tax Reform

    We examine the lifetime incidence and intergenerational distributional effects of an economy-wide carbon tax swap using a numerical dynamic general equilibrium model with overlapping generations of the U.S.…

  4. Refereed Journal // 2018

    Capturing natural resource heterogeneity in top-down energy-economic equilibrium models

    Top-down energy-economic modeling approaches often use simplified techniques to represent heterogeneous resource inputs to production. We show that for some policies, such as feed-in tariffs for renewable…

  5. Refereed Journal // 2018

    How robust is the uniform emissions pricing rule to social equity concerns?

    This paper examines pollution tax differentiation across industries in light of social equity concerns using theoretical and numerical general equilibrium analyses in an optimal tax framework. We…

  6. Refereed Journal // 2018

    Vom 'Stasi-Knast' in den 'Goldenen Westen'? Ost-West-Binnenmigration ehemaliger politischer Häftlinge der DDR

    Roughly 200,000 former political prisoners of the German Democratic Republic could so far not be explicitly considered in studies of internal migration between East and West Germany. Using large-scale…

  7. Refereed Journal // 2018

    Maternity Leave and Mothers' Long-Term Sickness Absence. Evidence from West Germany

    Exploiting unique German administrative data, we estimate the association between an expansion in maternity leave duration from two to six months in 1979 and mothers’ postbirth long-term sickness absence over a…

  8. Refereed Journal // 2018

    Modelling the Time Allocation Effects of Basic Income

    Most of the economic models on basic income account just for pecuniary forms of work, i. e. “time spent making money”, in employment. This restriction is a drawback of these analyses and of the standard economic…