ZEW Expertises

  1. Expertises // 2014

    The Potential Contribution of Innovation Systems to Socio-Ecological Transition

    European countries are currently faced with a variety of challenges, ranging from the new global distribution of economic activity, the diffusion of new, radical technologies to the aging of its population,…

  2. Expertises // 2014

    The efficiency of EU public Administration in helping firms grow

    The quality of the public administration is an important driver of EU competitiveness and influences firms' growth prospects through a number of channels. During their lifetime, firms interact with public…

  3. Expertises // 2014

    Cost of Non-Europe report - Common unemployment insurance scheme for the euro area

    The Great Recession and the resulting European debt crisis revived a debate about deeper fiscal integration in the Eurozone. We discuss different alternatives how an unemployment insurance system for the euro…

Contact for orders

Kerstin Heres

Kerstin Heres

Information and Knowledge Management, Sales Email kerstin.heres@zew.de Phone +49 (0)621 1235-130
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