1. Discussion and Working Paper // 1999

    The Impact of Non-profit Temping Agencies on Individual Labour Market Success in the West German State of Rhineland-Palatinate

    The paper presents an econometric evaluation of the effects of subsidised non-profit temporary employment agencies - a programme of the West German active labour market policy - on individual labour market…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 99-12 // 1999

    Berufliche Weiterbildung und Existenzgründung

    This study investigates the determinants of self-employment and the effects of con-tinuous vocational training among new self-employed and job movers. The analysis is based on a cross section of individual data…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 99-08 // 1999

    What's on their Mind: Do Exchange RateForecasters Stick to Theoretical Models ?

    Do financial market analysts use structural economic models whenforecasting exchange rates? This is the leading question analysedin this paper. In contrast to other studies we use expectations datainstead of…