Publications of the Research Unit Corporate Taxation and Public Finance

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 18-031 // 2018

    Merging County Administrations – Cross-National Evidence of Fiscal and Political Effects

    While many central governments amalgamate municipalities, mergers of larger county administrations are rare and hardly explored. In this paper, we assess both fiscal and political effects of county mergers in…

  2. M&A Report // 2018

    May/June 2018

    • Number of Mergers and Acquisitions Involving German Firms Continues to Fall
    • Sluggish M&A Activity to Foster Fragmentation in the EU Banking Sector
    • China Increasingly Investing in German Firms
    • Tax Avoidance…
  3. Discussion and Working Paper // 2018

    Which Role for a European Minister of Economy and Finance in a European Fiscal Union?

    The European Commission has proposed to inaugurate a European Minister of Economy and Finance with the broad purpose of streamlining the complex and fragmented decision-making processes within the European…