Publications of the Research Unit Corporate Taxation and Public Finance

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 20-047 // 2020

    How Do Taxes Affect the Trading Behavior of Private Investors? Evidence from Individual Portfolio Data

    We exploit a large reform of capital-gains taxation in Germany combined with portfolio-level daily panel data to study the causal effect of taxes on individual stock-trading behavior and the disposition effect.…

  2. Refereed Journal // 2020

    Cross border tax evasion after the common reporting standard: game over?

    We study the short-term effect of the first global multilateral standard for the automatic exchange of information (AEOI), the so-called Common Reporting Standard (CRS), on cross-border tax evasion. Employing…

  3. ZEW expert brief No. 20-11 // 2020

    Sliding Down the Slippery Slope? Trends in the Rules and Country Allocations of the Eurosystem´s PSPP and PEPP

    Over the last decade, the Eurosystem has become one of the crucial players in the market for euro area government bonds. After first substantive purchases through the Securities Market Programme (SMP) in 2010,…