Publications of the Research Unit Digital Economy

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 17-030 // 2017

    ICT and Resilience in Times of Crisis: Evidence from Cross-Country Micro Moments Data

    ICT-intensive firms are often found to have a better performance than their non-ICTintensive counterparts. Along with investing in ICT capital they have to adapt their production and business processes in order…

  2. ZEW-Branchenreport Informationswirtschaft // 2017

    2. Quartal 2017

    • Gute Lage und optimistische Erwartungen
    • Der Serviceroboter – hilfreicher Assistent oder Ersatz für menschliche Arbeitskraft?
  3. ZEW-Branchenreport Informationswirtschaft // 2017

    1. Quartal 2017

    • Stimmungshoch bei den wissensintensiven Dienstleistern
    • Welche Strategien sichern den Geschäftserfolg?
  4. ZEWnews English edition // 2017

    03/04 - 2017

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 17-020 // 2017

    Dynamics of Overqualification: Evidence from the Early Career of Graduates

    This study analyses the persistence and true state dependence of overqualification, i.e. a mismatch between workers' qualifications and their jobs’ educational requirements. Employing individual-level panel data…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 17-015 // 2017

    Let the User Speak: Is Feedback on Facebook a Source of Firms' Innovation?

    Social media open up new possibilities for firms to exploit information from various external sources. Does this information help firms to become more innovative? Combining firm-level survey data with…