Publications of the Research Unit Digital Economy

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-117 // 2013

    Strategic Timing of Entry: Evidence from Video Games

    This paper investigates how video game publishers’ choice of game release date is affected by the expected level of competition within the game’s product niche. We identify game niches by genre,…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-116 // 2013

    ICT and the Demand for Energy: Evidence from OECD Countries

    This paper analyzes the relationship between information and communication technology (ICT) and energy demand. We construct a comprehensive cross-country cross-industry panel data set covering 13 years, 10 OECD…

  3. ZEW-Branchenreport Informationswirtschaft // 2013

    4. Quartal 2013

    • Trotz leichtem Dämpfer gute Stimmung bei Unternehmen der Informationswirtschaft
    • Kaum mehr IT-Sicherheitsinvestitionen in 2014
  4. ZEW-Wachstums- und Konjunkturanalysen // 2013

    Nr. 4 (Dezember) - 2013

    • Leichte Zunahme der Wirtschaftsleistung im Herbst 2013 und gute Aussichten für 2014
    • Die voraussichtliche Lage in der EWU
    • Ergebnisse der Novemberumfrage 2013
    • Gute Stimmung bei Mediendienstleistern
    • Die Bestimmung der…
  5. Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 2013

    Analysing the entire Wikipedia history with Database Supported Haskell

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-098 // 2013

    Spillovers in Networks of User Generated Content – Evidence from 23 Natural Experiments on Wikipedia

    Endogeneity in network formation hinders the identification of the role that social networks play in generating spillovers, peer effects and other externalities. This paper tackles this problem and investigates…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-087 // 2013

    Elasticity of Substitution between Clean and Dirty Energy Inputs - A Macroeconomic Perspective

    Recently Acemolgu, Aghion, Bursztyn and Hemous (AER 2012) formulated a model in which a high macroeconomic elasticity of substitution between clean and dirty production represents a crucial condition for green…