Projects of the Research Unit Economics of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics

Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.09.2000 – 30.09.2001

    Provision of Standard Tables on Start-ups

    Recently, the ZEW was asked several times to provide indicators for start-up activities in Germany and Austria. The ZEW had to aggregate the data according to time-periods, regions, and sectors in order to respond…

  2. Project // 01.06.2000 – 30.09.2001

    Innovation Paths in Mechanical Engineering

    English project description is not available.

  3. Project // 01.06.2000 – 30.09.2001

    Benchmarking Industry-Science Relations

    The project investigates interactions between science and industry, taking into account the influence of institutional parameters, incentives and barriers, R&D structures in firms and research establishments,…

  4. Project // 01.04. – 31.12.2000

    Evaluation of the Austrian Technology Programme FlexCIM

    English project description is not available.

  5. Project // 01.04.2000 – 30.06.2001

    Lack of Qualified IT Personnel and Qualification Requirements. Empirical Analyses for Manufacturing Industry and Selected Service Sectors in Germany

    Lack of qualified IT personnel is at the centre of public and scientific interest. One cause for lack of qualified personnel is that the extent of the strong dynamism in the area of information and communications…

  6. Project // 01.04.2000 – 31.01.2001

    Digital Economy

    Die Arbeitsgruppe, an der alle Forschungsbereiche des ZEW beteiligt sind, setzt sich hauptsächlich mit mikroökonomischen Fragen der Digitalen Ökonomie auseinander, welche durch die zunehmende Entwicklung und…

  7. Project // 01.03. – 30.11.2000

    Neue Regionenökonomik

    The development of traditional Regional Economics into what has been called New Economic Geography meant uniting all of the ZEW´s research departments into a collaborating team. Despite its clear roots in the…

  8. Project // 01.01.2000 – 31.05.2002

    Socio-Economic Evaluation of Public RTD Policies

    English project description is not available.