Projects of the Research Unit Economics of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics

Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.03.2001 – 31.12.2003

    International Comparison of the Impacts of Quality Changes on Price Indices and Growth

    Other than the hedonic method, which is mainly used in the USA, the traditional practice of statistical agencies in Germany possibly leads to a systematic under-representation of quality change. This is in…

  2. Project // 01.01.2001 – 31.08.2003

    Innovation Behaviour and Export Success in German Industrial and Service Enterprises

    Technical progress is the most important engine of economic development in developed European national economies. No other factor contributes more to the generation of prosperity. However, technical progress is…

  3. Project // 01.01.2001 – 30.09.2002

    Benchmarking Scientific and Technological Productivity in Europe

    At the Lissabonner EU Summit the Council of Ministers decided that the research policies of EU member countries would undergo a systematic comparison. One element of this comparison forms a benchmarking process…

  4. Project // 01.12.2000 – 30.04.2002

    Application of Hedonic Techniques in the Consumer Price Index - Case of IT and Automobile

    The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) is undertaking a study for the Statistical Office Germany in order to discern the possibilities of applying hedonic techniques to quantify quality changes in…

  5. Project // 01. – 31.10.2000

    Innovation Activities in the German Car Manufacturing

    Using data from the Mannheim Innovationpanel (MIP) the innovation behaviour of German car manufacturing firms is analysed. 4 topics are tackled: R&D activities of German car manufacturing firms, innovation…

  6. Project // 01. – 31.10.2000

    Innovation Activities of Firms in Lower Saxony

    Using Data from the Mannheim Innovation Panels (MIP) the innovation activities of firms in the German federal state Lower Saxony are analysed. 4 topics are tackled: R&D activities of firms in Lower Saxony,…

  7. Project // 01.10.2000 – 31.05.2005

    The Development of Young Firms

    English project description is not available.

  8. Project // 15.09. – 15.11.2000

    German Internet Technology Stock Markets: Stock-taking, Functionality, Alternatives

    The project evaluates what the internet has on offer when it comes to the transfer of technology and competencies. To achieve this, existing sites are assessed on the basis of various criteria with the help of a…

  9. Project // 01.09.2000 – 31.12.2001

    Adaptation of Editing Methods after the Conversion to CIS2

    At present, the ZEW´s databases on German and Austrian companies count among the most important foundations for research activities focussing on "Company and Market Dynamism" within the research department. The…