Projects of the Research Unit Environmental and Climate Economics

Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.01. – 31.05.2008

    European Competitiveness Report 2008: Post Kyoto

    Representing a chapter within the European Competitiveness Report 2008, this research project assesses the economic impacts of the 2008 renewables and climate change policies until 2020 and beyond, particularly…

  2. Project // 01.11.2007 – 31.12.2008

    Market Microstructure and Market Shares in the European Union Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Scheme: A Descriptive Study

    The purpose of the project is a preliminary descriptive analysis of the microstructure of EU CO2 emissions allowances (EUAs) markets and an assessment of market shares of German corporations in the European…

  3. Project // 01.09.2007 – 29.02.2008

    Analysing the Economic Impacts of the Renewables and Climate Change Policy Implementation

    The EU Energy Package, which has been adopted by the European Commission in January 2007, comprises the threefold objective of simultaneously increasing sustainability, security of supply and competitiveness. In…

  4. Project // 15.08. – 30.09.2007

    Comment on the Draft: An Energy-Political Concept 2020

    The Ministry of Economics develops the draft of an energy-political concept of action for the period up until the year 2020. Prior to the debate in the Cabinet, one formulation of the energy- political concept of…

  5. Project // 01.08.2007 – 31.12.2009

    Critical Appraisal and Further Developments of General Equilibrium Models

    Applied (computable) general equilibrium models (CGE models) are an important tool used in the international research community in order to quantify the macroeconomic effects of politico-economic measures.…

  6. Project // 01.08. – 31.12.2007

    Enery Efficiency - A New Assignment for Regulation of the Government?

    The project aims at analysing possible regulatory intervention to increase energy efficiency from an economic viewpoint. Increasing energy efficiency means increasing the ratio of output over employed energy, i.e.…

  7. Project // 01.08.2007 – 31.08.2008

    Evaluation of tax expenditures

    Evaluating state subsidies contributes to an improvement of efficiency in the allocation of public funds. Especially with regard to tax expenditures, there is need for external evaluation. The objective of this…

  8. Project // 01.07.2007 – 31.12.2010

    Material and Resource Efficiency

    As described in the German Strategy for Sustainable Development, it is a main target of the German government to increase the resource productivity of the economy: until the year 2020 it should double, the…

  9. Project // 01.06.2007 – 30.04.2008

    Climate Policy and Energy Security

    Climate policy and energy security issues are ranking high on the policy agenda in Europe. While the climate change bears the characteristics of a global public good problem this is less the case for energy…