Projects of the Research Unit Environmental and Climate Economics

Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.08.2004 – 31.08.2005

    Environmental Innovation and Regulation - An Empirical Analysis Based on a Cross-OECD Survey of Firms

    The objectives of this project were to provide practical advice concerning the effectiveness and efficiency of alternative environmental policy measures. Questions to be addressed in the project included:

    - Do…

  2. Project // 01.06. – 31.12.2004

    The Suitability of Structural Indicators as an Instrument to Evaluate the Economic Performance of EU Member States

    The progress of EU member countries with regard to the Lisbon agenda is evaluated on the basis of structural indicators. The design and composition of this list of structural indicators were assessed in the course…

  3. Project // 30.04.2004 – 30.06.2005

    Model Experiment V of the Forum for Energy Models and Energy Economic Systems Analysis in Germany: Innovation and modern energy technology

    The Forum for Energy Models and Energy Economic Systems (FEES) represented an open platform for the close-up experience-based exchange between developers and users of energy models from the fields of research,…

  4. Project // 01.04.2004 – 30.06.2007

    HyWays - The Development and Detailed Evaluation of a Harmonised European Hydrogen Energy Roadmap

    HyWays was an integrated project (IP) under the 6th EU Framework Programme. In developing the European Hydrogen Roadmap the HyWays partners were closely interlinked with the European Commission to investigate the…

  5. Project // 01.01.2004 – 31.12.2006

    Case Study Comparisons and Development of Energy Models for Integrated Technology Systems (Cascade Mints)

    CASCADE MINTS was a project involving the development and use of energy and energy/economy models with special emphasis on analysing technological developments. It was essentially split into two distinct parts:…

  6. Project // 01.01.2004 – 30.06.2006

    Indicators and Quantitative Tools for Improving the Process of Sustainability Impact Assessment (IQ TOOLS)

    The I.Q.Tools project developed an internet-based software designed to support the process of Impact Assessment within the European Commission. This software is designed to provide the necessary information for…

  7. Project // 01.01.2004 – 31.12.2016

    Climate Policy Network

    The Climate Policy Network provides a forum for the policy-oriented discussion of scientific results on future strategies for addressing the problem of climate change in an international context. Based on…

  8. Project // 20.12.2003 – 31.01.2004

    Economic impacts of the projected implementation of the EU-emissions trading scheme through National Allocation Plans

    Study on alternative design of National Allocation Plans (NAPs). The economic impact of various allocation procedures for tradable emissions rights are investigated.