Publications of the Research Unit Environmental and Climate Economics

  1. Refereed Journal // 2017

    The Political Economy of Mitigation vs. Adaptation

    Climate policies have very uneven effects in terms of their fiscal impact. While mitigation of climate change typically raises revenues, adaptation is costly to the taxpayer, and the more so, the more …

  2. ZEWnews English edition // 2017

    03/04 - 2017

  3. Non-Refereed Journal // 2017

    Sozialpolitische Konsequenzen der Energiewende

    Ambitionierte Klimapolitik führt zu strukturellen ökonomischen Veränderungen. Dieser Artikel untersucht, welche Verteilungseffekte daraus für private Haushalte entstehen und wie diese gemindert werden können.

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 17-012 // 2017

    Leveling Up? An Inter-Neighborhood Experiment on Parochialism and the Efficiency of Multi-level Public Goods Provision

    Many public goods can be provided at different spatial levels. Evidence from social identity theory and in-group favoritism raises the possibility that where higher-level provision is more efficient, subjects'…

  5. ZEW-Energiemarktbarometer // 2017

    Januar/Februar 2017

    • Klimaschutzziele stehen im Spannungsfeld
    • Versorgungssicherheit bleibt stabil
    • Öl und Strom tendenziell teurer
  6. Refereed Journal // 2017

    The Effect of Flood Experience on Household Mitigation – Evidence from Longitudinal and Insurance Data

    Proactive flood damage mitigation on the household level is seen as a crucial element of comprehensive flood risk management. The ongoing socio-economic development and climate change will further increase the…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 17-004 // 2017

    Cost-Effectiveness and Incidence of Renewable Energy Promotion in Germany

    Over the last decade Germany has boosted renewable energy in power production by means of massive subsidies. The flip side are very high electricity prices which raises concerns that the transition cost towards…

  8. Refereed Journal // 2017

    Economic Impacts of Renewable Energy Promotion in Germany

    Over the last decade Germany has boosted renewable energy in power production by means of massive subsidies. The flip side are very high electricity prices which raise concerns that the transition cost towards a…