Publications of the Research Unit Labour Markets and Social Insurance

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 01-64 // 2001

    Job Shopping after Vocational Training? An Empirical Analysis of the Transition from Apprenticeship Training to Work

    This econometric study deals with the question as to what extent apprentices after successfully completing their training stay with the firm where they have received their training and, if so, how long that job…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 01-41 // 2001

    Sources of German Unemployment: Evidence from a Structural VAR Model

    This paper analyzes the dynamic effects of different macroeconomic shocks on unemployment in Germany. In a first step, a cointegration analysis of productiv- ity, prices, real wages, employment, and the…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 01-37 // 2001

    The Economics of Crime: Investigating the Drugs-Crime Channel

    The rising trends both in drug addiction and crime rates are of major public concern in Germany. Surprisingly, the economic theory of crime seems to ignore the drugs-crime nexus, whereas the criminological…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 01-36 // 2001

    Wage Rigidities in Western Germany?

    This paper investigates whether and in what sense the west German wage structure has been ‘rigid’ in the 1990s. To test the hypothesis that a rigid wage structure has been responsible for rising low-skilled…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 01-47 // 2001

    The Gender Gap in Labor Market Participation and Employment: A Cohort Analysis for West Germany

    Labor market participation rates of West German females hav risen during the last decades,whereas participation rates of males hav declined or remained stable. Nevertheless,differences in aggregate gender…