Publications of the Research Unit Labour Markets and Social Insurance

  1. Expertises // 2019

    An Analysis of Selected Labor Market Outcomes of College Dropouts in Germany – A Machine Learning Estimation Approach

    In this study, we investigate the labor market effects induced by dropping out of college without a degree. In 2016, a share of 78.3% of employed individuals with a college entrance qualification, and aged…

  2. Refereed Journal // 2019

    Unemployment and social exclusion

    This paper analyzes those economic and social consequences of job loss which contribute to exclusion from society, based on German linked survey and administrative data. In order to study the causal relationship…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 19-022 // 2019

    Determinants of Work-Related Training: An Investigation of Observed and Unobserved Firm-, Job- and Worker-Heterogeneity

    One of the most important policy goals in industrialized countries is to increase the skill level of the labor force by life-long-learning strategies. In this paper our aim is to explain to what extent the…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 19-019 // 2019

    Income Redistribution and Self-Selection of Immigrants

    We analyze the effects of governmental redistribution of income on migration patterns,using an Italian administrative dataset that includes information on almost every Italian citizen living abroad. Since Italy…

  5. Refereed Journal // 2019

    Intergenerational mobility and the rise and fall of inequality: Lessons from Latin America

    Countries with high income inequality also show a strong association between parents’ and children’s economic well-being; i.e. low intergenerational mobility. This study is the first to test this relationship in…

  6. ZEW policy brief No. 19-04 // 2019

    Reallabor Asylsuchende in der Rhein-Neckar-Region: Vielfalt an Problemen - Vielfalt an Lösungen

    Germany is currently faced with the task of accommodating many fugitives and opening up new life perspectives for them. The individuals that have come to Germany to seek protection in recent years do not form a…

  7. Discussion and Working Paper // 2019

    Fiskalische und individuelle Nettoerträge und Renditen von Bildungsinvestitionen im jungen Erwachsenenalter

    In dieser Studie werden auf der Basis einer Weiterentwicklung des ZEW Mikrosimulations-modells des Abgaben- Steuer- und Transfersystems fiskalische und individuelle Nettoerträge und Renditen von…