Publications of the Research Unit Pensions and Sustainable Financial Markets

  1. ZEW policy brief No. 24-13 // 2024

    Towards a More Realistic View on the Market Potential of EU Securitizations

    Ongoing global trends like climate change require firms to invest in projects that support their transformation. In order to unlock the huge sums of private capital necessary for these investments, the…

  2. ZEW policy brief No. 24-12 // 2024

    How Much Do Financial Analysts Disagree on the Future Path of the ECB’s Interest Rate?

    On 6 June 2024, the European Central Bank (ECB) lowered the main refinancing operations (MRO) rate from 4.5% to 4.25%. This decision followed a period of elevated interest rates intended to combat high inflation…

  3. Refereed Journal // 2024

    Testing for differences in survey-based density expectations: A compositional data approach

    We propose to treat survey-based density expectations as compositional data when testing either for heterogeneity in density forecasts across different groups of agents or for changes over time. Monte Carlo…

  4. Discussion and Working Paper // 2024

    Forceful or Persistent: How the ECB's New Inflation Target Affects Households' Inflation Expectations

    The ECB announced a new monetary policy strategy in July 2021. In contrast to the previous strategy of aiming at inflation close to, but below 2%, it now pursues a symmetric 2% inflation target over the medium…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 24-036 // 2024

    Framing Effects in Consumer Expectations Surveys

    In a randomized experiment embedded in a survey, I test the effects of variations in question wording and format on consumer response behavior and the corresponding inflation expectations. To this end, survey…

  6. Refereed Journal // 2024

    Financial literacy, stock market participation, and financial wellbeing in Germany

    We examine financial literacy in Germany and its relevance for financial wellbeing. Using data from the Panel on Household Finances collected in 2021, we show that about 62% of German households answer the Big…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 23-071 // 2023

    Financial Literacy, Stock Market Participation, and Financial Well-Being in Germany

    We examine financial literacy in Germany and its relevance for financial well-being. Using data from the Panel on Household Finances collected in 2021, we show that about 62% of German households answer the Big…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 23-074 // 2023

    Households’ Financial Resilience, Risk Perceptions, and Financial Literacy – Evidence From a Survey Experiment

    We examine the financial resilience of Austrian households, relating it to their experience of financial shocks earlier in life and to their financial literacy. We find that previous negative (positive)…

  9. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 23-073 // 2023

    Talking in a Language That Everyone Can Understand? Clarity of Speeches by the ECB Executive Board

    We use data on speeches held by members of the European Central Bank's (ECB) Executive Board to analyze whether clarity of central bank communication has increased over time. Employing readability measures as…

Further Publications

ZEW Financial Market Survey

German Real Estate Finance Index (DIFI Report)