Publications of the Research Unit Pensions and Sustainable Financial Markets

  1. Discussion and Working Paper // 2021

    Pension knowledge and the effectiveness of pension reforms

    This study examines how knowledge about institutional settings and their reform affects the effectiveness of those reforms. We examine this question in the context of social security, the largest social…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 21-099 // 2021

    Die Rolle der betrieblichen Altersvorsorge für die Einkünfte im Alter – aktuelle Evidenz und Datengrundlagen

    Despite the socio-political importance of occupational pensions since the pension reforms of the 1990s and 2000s, the incomplete evidence base, lack of transparency and lack of data have been regularly…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 21-100 // 2021

    Data Resource Profile: The ZEW FMS Dataset

    The ZEW Financial Market Survey is a monthly panel survey among financial market experts that was launched in December 1991. The survey focuses on the experts’ expectations about international financial markets…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 21-086 // 2021

    Scaling, Unwinding and Greening QE in a Calibrated Portfolio Balance Model

    We develop a portfolio balance model to analyze the impact of euro area quantitative easing (QE) on asset yields. Our model features two countries each populated by two agents representing their respective…

  5. Refereed Journal // 2021

    Finanzwissen und Finanzbildung in Deutschland – Was wissen wir eigentlich?

    In an international comparison, Germans have a relatively high level of financial knowledge. However, this does not imply that financial knowledge is universally distributed. The share of respondents, who are…

  6. ZEW policy brief No. 21-06 // 2021

    How the Withdrawal of Global Correspondent Banks Hurts Emerging Europe

    Correspondent banks allow local banks in emerging markets to access the international payments system. This helps local banks to make cross-border payments, clear currencies, and provide trade finance. The…

Further Publications

ZEW Financial Market Survey

German Real Estate Finance Index (DIFI Report)