
Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.09.2008 – 31.12.2009

    Using administrative internal personnel data for the research on human resources

    The goal of this project is to analyse human resource developments and their determinants using administrative, internal personnel data of two firms, one active in the service and the other active in the…

  2. Project // 01.09.2008 – 01.08.2010

    Developing Macroeconomic Models of the Long-Run.

    Our research group, Growth and Business Cycles, aims specifically to analyse and forecast short and long term macroeconomic variables. This particular emphasis makes the standard instruments of econometric…

  3. Project // 01.08.2008 – 31.12.2013

    Education economic measures for the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS)

    In this project we support the development of specific questions which will be included in the questionnaire of the "National Education Panel Study" (NEPS). The focus of these questions is on topics which are key…

  4. Project // 01.08.2008 – 31.12.2009

    Productivity Effects of ICT: Investigations on heterogenous inputs and technical progress

    The project studied the robustness of research results on productivity effects of ICT. Particular emphasis was put on the decomposition of growth into the effects of investment and productivity growth and on the…

  5. Project // 24.07.2008 – 31.05.2009

    Ex ante evaluation of the fiscal, labor market and distributional impact of a benefit for mothers giving care at home to children younger than 3 years ("Betreuungsgeld")

    In connection with a program to expand publicly provided daycare for small children in Germany, the government has suggested to introduce a new benefit for mothers of children younger than 3 years who decide to…

  6. Project // 15.07.2008 – 31.12.2011

    Monitoring and Evaluation of "KMU-innovativ" within the Hightech-Strategy

    Small and medium sized enterprises (SME) are the main pillar of the innovation activity in Germany. Around 95% of all innovating companies in the manufacturing industry have less than 500 employees. In the…

  7. Project // 15.07. – 30.11.2008

    A Time Series Analysis of the Development in National R&D Intensities and National Public Expenditures on R&D

    In 2000 the European Council agreed upon the Lisbon Agenda which has put forward as its main objective to make the EU "the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable…

  8. Project // 14.07.2008 – 31.12.2009

    Understanding the competitiveness implications of future phases of EU ETS (Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform)

    In making key decisions for future phases of EU ETS, Government needs to fullyunderstand the competitiveness implications of these decisions on industrialsectors. Key areas include the ability of firms to pass…

  9. Project // 01.07.2008 – 31.12.2009

    Consulting and Outsourcing: The Role of Information and Communication Technologies

    There is broad evidence indicating that the adoption of ICT has significantly contributed to the productivity growth of industrialized economies. In general, the use of ICT allows firms to reshape their internal…

  10. Project // 01.07.2008 – 28.02.2009

    Heterogeneous Expectation of financial analysts: analysis of expectation formation and optimal aggregation

    Expectations play a fundamental role in economic theory. Survey based expectations carry economically important and timely information on the current and future development of economy. The main aim of…

  11. Project // 01.07.2008 – 30.09.2009

    The Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental or Social Policy on Stock Returns: An Application of Modern Event Studies

    Does it pay for a firm to be green or “responsible” in other ways? And what are the effects of environmental or social policy on the economic success of companies? These questions are central for our understanding…

  12. Project // 01.07.2008 – 30.11.2010

    Modelling of Economic and Environmental Impacts of Product Related Regulation

    In the project technology specific information from the product oriented model CEDA EU 25 was integrated into the computable general equilibrium (CGE) models as they are available at ZEW.This improved the sectoral…