
Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.08.2011 – 31.12.2012

    Strategic Releases and Specialization in the Video Game Market

    In markets for entertainment media such as music, films, books or video games there is usually a steady influx of new products. We also observe strong fluctuations in consumer demand. Sales figures are often at…

  2. Project // 01.08.2011 – 31.03.2012

    Labor market institutions and skill-specific unemployment

    The goal of this study is to gain insights in the relationship between the educational structure of the unemployed and the labor market effects of labor market institutions. More concretely, it will be answered…

  3. Project // 26.07.2011 – 30.09.2012

    Evaluation of the BMWi Programme „R&D Promotion of Non-Profit Industrial Research Institutions in East Germany - Innovation Competence East (INNO-KOM-Ost)“ Including the Pilot Programme Modul „Investment Grants for Technical Infrastructure“

    This projects aims at evaluating the R&D programme INNO-KOM Ost which has been established by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology in 2009 in order to support non-profit industrial research…

  4. Project // 15.07.2011 – 28.02.2013

    The European Added Value of the EU Budget: Can the EU Help its Member States to Save Money?

    Concerning the upcoming EU budget negotiations, what has been said on the subject in the recent past makes one suspect that once again everything will boil down to “juste retour” thinking. There is little sign…

  5. Project // 12.07. – 30.09.2011

    Bachelor and Master at Work – A Survey among HR Executives

    Since 2010, only students are admitted to engineering in Germany who finish their studies with a Bachelor’s or a Master’s degree. In this project, we cooperate with VDI nachrichten (weekly newspaper of…

  6. Project // 01.07.2011 – 31.12.2014

    Efficient Incentive Systems in Science – An Experimental Analysis

    The current incentive system for the payment of scientists is being put to test more than ever. The 2005 salary reform for university teachers has paved the way for performance-oriented payment but has yet…

  7. Project // 01.07. – 30.09.2011

    Economic Effects of a Tax Incentive for R&D Investment in Germany

    The research project empirically investigates the effect of a tax incentive regime for research and development on tax revenue for Germany. The research project considers various possibilities of an…

  8. Project // 01.07.2011 – 31.07.2012

    Effective tax rates at the industry-level in selected European countries

    This research project aims at comparing effective company tax burdens of different industries in 13 European states as well as the US and Japan. Moreover, this project precisely examines differences in…

  9. Project // 01.07.2011 – 31.03.2013

    The Impact of Culture on Female Labour Force Participation, Fertility and the Choice of Child Care Arrangements

    German family policy increasingly aims at setting incentives for an increase in the fertility rate and for reconciling family life and work. While demographic change makes these objectives highly desirable, it…

  10. Project // 01.07.2011 – 31.03.2013

    The Relationship between Employees, Entry Strategies, and Innovation Performance in Newly Established Firms

    This project aims to analyze the connection between employees, entry strategies and innovation performance in newly established firms. Two analyses will be conducted. The first analyzes the influence of firm…

  11. Project // 01.07.2011 – 30.06.2012

    Evidence of the Effectiveness of R&D Tax Incentives

    This project is part of a broader activity to prepare a compendium of evidence on the effectiveness of innovation policy intervention funded by NESTA (the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts)…

  12. Project // 01.07.2011 – 31.05.2012

    Modelling of Interdependencies Between the Energy Prices and the Price of CO2 Emission Allowances

    The aim of this study is a close analysis of interdependencies between certain energy markets (e.g. the markets for crude oil, coal, gas or electricity) and the market for European emissions allowances. The…