
Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.12.2008 – 31.07.2011

    The Full Costs of Climate Change

    There is increasing interest in the economics of climate change to inform policy on a) long-term targets, b) the costs of inaction, and c) the costs and benefits of adaptation. The objectives of this project were…

  2. Project // 11. – 19.11.2008

    Labor Supply Incentives for Married Couples through the German Tax System

    Various regulations in the German tax system creates negative labor supply incentives for married second earners. The project analyses theses disincentives by comparing the marginal tax rates on first and second…

  3. Project // 01.11. – 31.12.2008

    Innovationsdeterminanten von Clean Coal Technologies

    Clean Coal Technologies are an essential tool to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions of coal due to an expected increasing demand for energy, particularly in emerging economies, and large deposits of…

  4. Project // 01.11.2008 – 30.06.2010

    Long-run perspectives for the recoverability of residential real estate

    The project deals with the topic „Long-run perspectives for the recoverability of residential real estate”. In the long run, the value of real estate depends on a multitude of factors. This project aims at…

  5. Project // 01.11.2008 – 30.11.2009

    Qualitative and quantitative studies on the introduction of the Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Germany

    The introduction of the Bachelor- and Master's degrees in Germany occurs in the framework of the harmonisation of the European higher education system, the so-called Bologna process. A central goal of the…

  6. Project // 01.11.2008 – 15.04.2009

    Real Estate Markets in a General Economic Perspective

    Real estate markets are of high overall economic importance. Around 20 percent of overall value added can be traced to real estate activities. The major part of private wealth is held in real estate. In spite…

  7. Project // 01.11.2008 – 30.11.2009

    Company Taxation in the Asia-Pacific region, India and Russia

    The economic importance of the Asian-Pacific Region, India and Russia has risen significantly. Against this background, the objective of this study is to put forward reliable information on the effective tax…

  8. Project // 01.11.2008 – 31.10.2010

    Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies: A Market Study for the German Insurance Sector

    The project investigated the effects of adaptation strategies to climate change with a focus on the insurance industry in Germany. In a first step, we presented the current state of research on the expected direct…

  9. Project // 01.11.2008 – 30.11.2010

    Market Power in Electricity Markets – Empirical Evidence

    The project empirically investigated whether the launch of the EU emissions trading scheme has granted electric utilities strategic options to exert market power. To this end, two methods were used: Laboratory…

  10. Project // 01.11.2008 – 31.01.2011

    Potentials for the flexibization of regional labour markets. An empirical study on the consequences of regional mobility

    In the preceding project a large number of results concerning the determinants of individual mobility decisions could be achieved. A policy approach to use the potential for the flexibilization of labour market…

  11. Project // 01.11.2008 – 30.06.2009

    Investigating the shift in the factor income distribution in Germany

    This project aims at analysing the development of the factor income distribution in Germany and other industrialised countries. In particular, it investigates the role of wage moderation, globalisation,…

  12. Project // 01.10.2008 – 30.06.2010

    The Fiscal Implications of Climate Change Adaptation

    The study is focused on assessing the fiscal implications of climate change adaptation within the EU. In the first step of the project, the theoretical framework for analysing adaptation will be developed. In the…