
Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.12.2011 – 31.03.2015

    Statistical Modeling of Labor Market Processes in Misclassified Administrative Labor Market Data

    Since many years the analysis of labour market policies in Germany is of high interest for researchers and politicians alike. Results are, however, in several cases contradictory or ignore important aspects. This…

  2. Project // 01.12.2011 – 31.05.2012

    Excellence in public administration for competitiveness in EU Member States

    The efficiency of the public sector is a requisite for economic competitiveness. The quality of the public administration and of governance impacts the environment in which businesses operate and largely …

  3. Project // 01.12.2011 – 30.06.2012

    The Predictability of the Distribution of Stock Market Expectations for Asset Pricing

    The aim of this project is to develop and provide an academic foundation for a so-called disagreement indicator based on micro data from the ZEW Financial Market Survey. A disagreement indicator depicts the …

  4. Project // 07.11.2011 – 06.11.2012

    Monitoring Mechanism on Key Enabling Technologies - a Feasibility Study

    The purpose of this project is to prepare a feasibility study on a monitoring mechanism (an Observatory) to follow-up, measure and appraise the deployment of Key Enabling Technologies in the EU. Moreover, the…

  5. Project // 03.11. – 01.12.2011

    Financial and Employment Effects of Reforming the Means Test in the German Social and Unemployment Assistance

    The means test in the German system of social and unemployment assistance (“Arbeitslosengeld II”) was recently reformed; currently, several propositions for further changes in the means test are being discussed.…

  6. Project // 01.11.2011 – 30.04.2012

    Innovation Indicators for the Chemical Industry 2012

    The aim of this study is to report key innovation indicators for the chemical industry which can be updated annually. In a concise way, the study offers an overview on the state and recent developments in research…

  7. Project // 01.11.2011 – 31.12.2012

    Eco-Innovation and the Competitiveness of EU Industry

    The economic literature has identified environmental regulation as a key driver of environmental- and sustainable technology invention and innovation. The European Community has committed itself to reduce its…

  8. Project // 01.11.2011 – 31.12.2014

    Education and Social Progress in Germany

    The project investigated the relationship between education and social progress in Germany in cooperation with the Central Institute for Mental Health, Mannheim and the OECD, Paris. Data from the Mannheim Study of…

  9. Project // 01.11.2011 – 31.07.2013

    Impact of Basel III on Real Estate Finance in Germany

    The research project analysis the impact of Basel III on real estate finance in Germany. Within the project, the consequences of the new regulation framework for both different institutions and products in the…

  10. Project // 15.10.2011 – 15.04.2012

    Safe Jobs but poor Pay? Minimum Wage Effects on Skilled Workers of the Roofing Sector

    The political debate on the introduction of a national minimum wages is typically concerned about its employment effect on those who are directly affected by a binding minimum wage. Other non-intended effects of…

  11. Project // 01.10.2011 – 30.11.2012

    Innovation Indicators for Selected Fields of Technology - an Analysis for the Evaluation of the BMBF Competition „Spitzencluster“

    As part of an evaluation of the BMBF competition “Spitzencluster” (“leading-edge clusters”), which is conducted by a consortium of RWI, ISG, Joanneum Research and the University of Jena, ZEW analysis innovation…

  12. Project // 01.10.2011 – 30.04.2012

    Spring Meeting of Young Economists (SMYE) 2012

    The Spring Meeting of Young Economists (SMYE) is Europe’s largest economics research meeting for Young Economists. The conference is organized “by young economists for young economists” on an annual basis at…