
Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.10.2007 – 31.05.2008

    Update 2008 of the Country Index for Family Enterprises

    In the year 2006 on behalf of the Stiftung Familienunternehmen ZEW has developed the Country Index for Family Enterprises. The objective of that index is an international comparison of investment locations from…

  2. Project // 01.10.2007 – 31.12.2008

    The Creative Industries' Role of in Innovation Systems, exemplified for Austria

    This study aims at

    • describing the role of creative industries in Austria for innovation taking place in other industries;
    • discussing the direct and indirect ways of how creative industries contribute to innovation…
  3. Project // 01.10.2007 – 31.12.2011

    Skill Formation and Human Capital Investment

    The project studied the formation of human capital at different stages of the life-cycle based on multidisciplinary research, including views from economics, econometrics, neurobiology, survey analysis, and…

  4. Project // 01.10.2007 – 30.06.2009

    The Impact of Mergers on Innovation in the Relevant Market

    We analyze the effect of market concentration on innovation in the relevant market. Previous work either concentrates on the effect of M&A on the profitability of competitors or on the innovative performance of…

  5. Project // 01.10.2007 – 31.05.2008

    Evaluation of the Economics Effects of the Swiss Cartel Act

    With the commencement of the amendment of the Swiss Cartel Act on 1 April 2004, the Competition Commission gained considerably new powers, especially with respect to the possibilities to sanction…

  6. Project // 01.09.2007 – 31.01.2010

    The Impact of Interferences of the State on Investment Behaviour in the Telecommunications Sector and its indirect Effects on other Industries

    New information and communication technologies have been major drivers of efficiency not only in the ICT industries but also in the downstream industries. The liberalisation of the telecommunication sector was one…

  7. Project // 01.09.2007 – 31.01.2008

    Analysis of Subsidies on Dedicated Savings According to the „Wohnungsbauprämiengesetz“

    The report analyses subsidies for savings on Bausparkassen accounts in a theoretical and empirical perspective. First the development of this specific instrument is described against the broader background of…

  8. Project // 01.09.2007 – 29.02.2008

    Analysing the Economic Impacts of the Renewables and Climate Change Policy Implementation

    The EU Energy Package, which has been adopted by the European Commission in January 2007, comprises the threefold objective of simultaneously increasing sustainability, security of supply and competitiveness. In…

  9. Project // 15.08. – 30.09.2007

    Comment on the Draft: An Energy-Political Concept 2020

    The Ministry of Economics develops the draft of an energy-political concept of action for the period up until the year 2020. Prior to the debate in the Cabinet, one formulation of the energy- political concept of…

  10. Project // 01.08.2007 – 31.07.2008

    Productivity and Employability of Older Employees

    This project analysed the determinants of productivity of older employees on the basis of the IABS data set and the ICT survey of the ZEW. A special emphasis was put on the role of information and communication…

  11. Project // 01.08. – 30.11.2007

    Social Inequality of Humanists on the Job

    The core of the project is to take a look at the chances of humanists on the Labor Market. In detail, we want to study income level and structure, development of income, employment opportunities and risks of…

  12. Project // 01.08.2007 – 28.02.2009

    The Future of EU Regional Policy

    Apart from the Common Agricultural Policy, Regional Policy is the most important policy field of the EU budget. While the goal to reduce regional welfare disparities in the EU is generally accepted in the EU,…