_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Z E W N E W S L E T T E R E N G L I S H E D I T I O N No. 2012-08 August 30, 2012 (Yvonne Braeutigam, newsletter-en at zew.de ) http://www.zew.eu _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Content 1. NEWS 2. CALL FOR PAPERS 2.1. Call for Papers: SEEK Workshop on Incentives and Innovations (November 23-24, 2012) 2.2. Call for Papers: SEEK Workshop on Non-Linear Economic Modelling: Theory and Applications (December 12-13, 2012) 3. STAFF 3.1. Visiting Researchers 4. PRESS RELEASES 5. RECENT PUBLICATIONS IN ENGLISH 5.1. ZEWnews 5.2. Financial Market Report Switzerland 5.3. Financial Market Report CEE 5.4. ZEW Discussion Papers 5.5. Expertises/Research Reports IN GERMAN 5.6. ZEW Finanzmarktreport (ZEW Financial Market Report) 5.7. ZEW Branchenreport Informationswirtschaft (ZEW Sector Report for the Information Society) 5.8. KfW/ZEW CO2 Barometer 5.9. ZEW Wirtschaftsanalysen (ZEW Economic Analyses) 6. NEW RESEARCH PROJECTS 7. EVENTS 7.1. Scientific Events _____________________________________________________________________ 1. NEWS 24.08.2012 Annual Report 2011 Published: ZEW Still on a Winning Track In the financial year 2011, the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim increased its total revenues by approximately 2.6 million euros to 18.2 million euros. The increase of third-party funding particularly contributed to the improved revenues of the research institute. Read more: http://www.zew.de/news2092 22.08.2012 KfW/ZEW CO2 Barometer 2012: EU Emissions Trading System in Severe Crisis: The most recent KfW/ZEW CO2 Barometer shows that the costs resulting from the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) play a lesser role for the surveyed companies' location decision than widely assumed. German companies subjected to the emissions trading regime do increasingly invest outside of Europe, but their motivation is to establish businesses close to local markets. Read more: http://www.zew.de/news2090 17.08.2012 Q&A: How Can We Contain the European Debt Crisis? FIRE Instead of Eurobonds - A New Solution Concept to Tackle the European Debt Crisis: Europe should address the crisis of confidence at the European bond markets through a direct equalisation of interest rates. Such a solution, as suggested by Friedrich Heinemann, rules out the collective liability of Eurobonds and is affordable even if applied to Spain and Italy. Read more: http://www.zew.de/news2068 07.08.2012 Delegation of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics Visits ZEW: On August 7, 2012, a high-ranking delegation of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics visited the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim. The group consisted of the twenty directors of the statistical offices of Beijing Municipality. In an intensive information exchange, they gained insights into the activities and research areas in which ZEW is engaged. Read more: http://www.zew.de/news2078 23.07.2012 ZEW President Wolfgang Franz on "Grexit": The extent to which the Greek electorate was buoyed by the country's advance to the quarterfinals of the 2012 European Football Championship is unclear. In any event, the outcome of the elections on June 17 has bought a moment of respite that now must be put to good use. Read more: http://www.zew.de/news2067 For current news, please visit: http://www.zew.de/news 2. CALL FOR PAPERS 2.1 Call for Papers: SEEK Workshop on Incentives and Innovations (November 23-24, 2012) The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim and the Erasmus University Rotterdam are pleased to announce a workshop on Incentives and Innovations. The workshop is organised within the framework of the research programme "Strengthening Efficiency and Competitiveness in the European Knowledge Economies" (SEEK) and will take place in Mannheim from November 23-24, 2012. It aims at bringing together researchers working on pecuniary and non-pecuniary incentives or on workplace arrangements to foster employees' creativity and innovative output. Empirical and experimental approaches as well as theoretical models from economics, business administration, sociology, psychology, and other disciplines are welcome. Please send full papers or extended abstracts in PDF format to incentives-workshop2012 at zew.de no later than October 1, 2012. If you would like to participate without presenting a paper, please register by sending an e-mail. The workshop fee for non-presenters is EUR 120. Additional information and Call for Papers: http://www.zew.de/incentives2012 2.2. Call for Papers: SEEK Workshop on Non-Linear Economic Modelling: Theory and Applications (December 12-13, 2012) We invite the submission of theoretical, computational, and empirical work for the SEEK Workshop on "Non-Linear Economic Modelling: Theory and Applications". The objective of the workshop is to discuss recent scientific contributions in the subject area and to provide a platform for an exchange of ideas within a small group of researchers. Presentations that consider relations between the financial sector and economic dynamics are particularly welcome. The workshop is organised within the framework of the research programme "Strengthening Efficiency and Competitiveness in the European Knowledge Economies" (SEEK) from December 12-13, 2012, at the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim. Please submit extended abstracts or full papers in PDF format to nonlinear-workshop2012 at zew.de no later than September 30, 2012. Additional information and Call for Papers: http://www.zew.de/nonlinearmodelling2012 3. STAFF 3.1. Visiting Researchers Associate Professor Shunsake Managi Visiting Researcher at ZEW: Associate Professor Shunsake Managi, PhD, is visiting researcher at the ZEW Research Department "Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management" from July 19 to August 25, 2012. He is Associate Professor of Resource and Environmental Economics at the Graduate School of Environmental Studies of Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan. During his stay, he works with ZEW researchers on research topics such as productivity and competitiveness measurement, innovation, and emission trading, as well as the employment of economic field experiments in public goods and emission trading. Additional information on Prof. Shunsake Managi: http://www.managi-lab.com/english.html Professors Xiaohu Feng, Zhongxiu Zhao, and Jinjun Xue Visiting Researchers at ZEW: Professor Dr. Xiaohu Feng, Professor Zhongxiu Zhao, PhD, and Professor Jinjun Xue were visiting researchers at the ZEW Research Department "Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management" from August 23-25, 2012. Xiaohu Feng and Zhongxiu Zhao are professors at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, China. Jinjun Xue is professor at the Graduate School of Economics of Nagoya University in Japan. During their stay at ZEW, opportunities for further cooperation and a joint in-house workshop on "Global Low Carbon Strategies: ETS and Beyond" were the main focus. 4. PRESS RELEASES 21.08.2012 - ZEW (fmo/ggr) ZEW Survey Among Financial Market Experts: Danger of Inflation in the Eurozone is Decreasing: Over the next few months, the danger of inflation in the eurozone is likely to decrease. In the middle of the current year the inflation rate was at 2.4 per cent. A recent survey of the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) estimates an inflation rate of 2.25 per cent for the entire year 2012. A further slight decrease is expected for 2013. 228 financial market experts participated in the quarterly ZEW survey on inflation and monetary policy in August 2012. Against the backdrop of the expected inflation trend, many experts expect that the European Central Bank (ECB) will stick to its expansive monetary policy and use the leeway to cut interest rates. Read more: http://www.zew.de/press2089 17.08.2012 - ZEW (zil/kbo) ZEW-Erste Group Bank Economic Sentiment Indicator for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) - Economic Expectations for the CEE Region Move Sidewards: Economic expectations for Central and Eastern Europe including Turkey (CEE) have remained almost unchanged in August. The ZEW-Erste Group Bank Economic Sentiment Indicator currently manoeuvres at a level of minus 9.3 points after a slight decrease by 1.7 points. The economic sentiment indicator for the CEE region and further financial market data have been surveyed monthly by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) with the support of Erste Group Bank in Vienna since 2007. Read more: http://www.zew.de/press2087 16.08.2012 - ZEW (lja/kbo) ZEW-CS Financial Market Test Switzerland - Economic Outlook Less Pessimistic: In August 2012 economic expectations for Switzerland improved by 9.2 points compared to the July reading. The ZEW-CS Indicator thus reaches a level of minus 33.3 points. The ZEW-CS Indicator is calculated monthly by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in cooperation with Credit Suisse (CS). The indicator reflects the expectations of the surveyed financial market experts regarding the economic development in Switzerland on a six-month time horizon. Read more: http://www.zew.de/press2085 15.08.2012 - ZEW (srr/ggr/kbo) Avoiding Greenhouse Gases Through new Technologies - Only Firms Making In-House Adjustments Benefit from "Green" Technologies: Using new technologies to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases within the production process can lead to an increase of productivity. Emission-reducing innovations, however, also require adjustments in the organisation and production processes. Failing to achieve these adjustments may result in a loss of productivity. This is the result of an empirical study based on a survey among 3,896 companies in Germany conducted by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim. Read more: http://www.zew.de/press2084 14.08.2012 - ZEW (cdi/fmo/kbo) ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment - Expectations Decline Further: The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany has dropped by 5.9 points in August 2012. It now stands at a level of minus 25.5 points. This is the lowest value of the indicator in 2012 so far. Nevertheless, the indicator is well above the negative balance it had reached during the financial crisis. In 2008 economic expectations temporarily dropped below the minus 60 points-mark. Read more: http://www.zew.de/press2081 06.08.2012 - ZEW (skr/bhe/ybr) New ZEW Seminar Programme Available: The new seminar programme of the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim has recently been published. From September 2012 to July 2013, ZEW offers numerous Expert Seminars on current issues. The outstanding methodological skills of ZEW researchers contribute to the seminar programme's variety of content. The programme includes seminars on econometrics, financial market analysis and financial management, as well as on business administration and organisation. Read more: http://www.zew.de/press2077 31.07.2012 - ZEW (joh/ggr) Information Economy in Germany - Social Media Use Varies Significantly: Social media increasingly find their way into everyday life. Not only private users, but also companies discover the potentials of these interactive media. Thus, one out of two companies in the information economy currently uses social media. Media service providers and ICT service providers are particularly frequent users of social media. There is a wide range of possible applications for social media, and for many companies, the placement of their profiles in social media is a primary target. These are the results of a representative survey among approx. 1,000 companies of the information economy conducted by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in June 2012. Read more: http://www.zew.de/press2074 For current press releases, please visit: http://www.zew.de/en/presse 5. RECENT PUBLICATIONS IN ENGLISH 5.1. ZEWnews ZEWnews English Edition July/August 2012 * Patents versus Secrecy: Heterogeneous Costs of Disclosure and the Propensity to Patent * Broad Funding for Product Innovation Pays Off * The Positive and Negative Effects of Market Concentration on Investment Funds * Questions & Answers: How Can We Contain the European Debt Crisis? * Selection of Potential Energy Policy Indicators * Questions & Answers: How Will Cloud Computing Change the Way We Work? * Spring Meeting of Young Economists at ZEW * ZEW Economic Forum: Perspectives for the Euro * Opinion: Growth Download as PDF file(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/zn/en/zn062012.pdf 5.2. Financial Market Report Switzerland Financial Market Report Switzerland September 2012 * Economic Outlook for Switzerland: Expectations Less Pessimistic * Current Economic Situation: Still Declining * Inflation Expectations: No Change Expected * Interest Rates: Higher Long-Term Interest Rates Possible * Stock Market Outlook: Most Analysts Still Expect a Higher SMI * Swiss Franc vs. Euro: EUR/CHF to Remain Stable * Special Questions: GDP Growth Download as PDF file(*): http://www.zew.de/FinancialMarketReportSwitzerland092012.pdf 5.3. Financial Market Report CEE Financial Market Report CEE September 2012 The Financial Market Report CEE September 2012 will be published soon. The report addresses the economic outlook for the CEE Region, Austria, and the eurozone as well as the results of the special question concerning the experts' expectations on the shale gas prospects of the CEE countries. Download as PDF file(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/fmt_cee/FMTCEE092012.pdf 5.4. ZEW Discussion Papers 12-056 Oliver Schenker; Gunter Stephan Terms-of-Trade and the Funding of Adaptation to Climate Change and Variability. An Empirical Analysis Download as PDF file(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/dp/dp12056.pdf 12-055 Michael Huebler; Andreas Loeschel The EU Decarbonisation Roadmap 2050: What Way to Walk? Download as PDF file(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/dp/dp12055.pdf 12-054 Michael Huebler; Lavinia Baumstark; Marian Leimbach; Ottmar Edenhofer; Nico Bauer An Integrated Assessment Model With Endogenous Growth Download as PDF file(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/dp/dp12054.pdf 12-053 Michael Kummer; Marianne Saam; Iassen Halatchliyski; George Georgidze Centrality and Content Creation in Networks - The Case of German Wikipedia Download as PDF file(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/dp/dp12053.pdf 12-052 Christophe Heyndrickx; Victoria Alexeeva-Talebi; Natalia Tourdyeva To Raise or Not to Raise? Impact Assessment of Russia's Incremental Gas Price Reform Download as PDF file(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/dp/dp12052.pdf 5.5. Expertises Friedrich Heinemann (2012), FIRE for the Euro, Mannheim. Additional information and download: http://www.zew.de/publikation6635 IN GERMAN 5.6. ZEW Finanzmarktreport (ZEW Financial Market Report) ZEW Financial Market Report September 2012 * Business Expectations Decline Further * ECB: Inflation Expectations Increase Significantly * USA: Economic Expectations Are Stabilising * Japan: Economic Situation Slightly Worsens * Great Britain: Further Slide into the Red Expected * Special Question August 2012: Inflation and Monetary Policy Download as PDF file (German only)(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/frep/092012.pdf 5.7. ZEW Branchenreport Informationswirtschaft (ZEW Sector Report for the Information Economy) ZEW Sector Report for the Information Economy, 2nd Quarter 2012 * Sentiment in the Information Economy Nearly Unchanged Until Mid-Year * 50 Per Cent of the Companies Use Social Media Download as PDF file (German only)(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/brepikt/201202BrepIKT.pdf 5.8. KfW/ZEW CO2 Barometer KfW/ZEW CO2 Barometer 2012 * The EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) Creates Only Weak Incentives for the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions * So far, Costs Emerging due to Emissions Trading Have Very Little Influence on Strategic Location Decisions of Regulated Firms * Options for a Stricter Design of the EU ETS Should Be Considered Download as PDF file (German only)(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/co2panel/CO2Barometer2012.pdf 5.9. ZEW Wirtschaftsanalysen (ZEW Economic Analyses) Volume 103 Alexander Wentland, Andreas Knie, Lisa Ruhrort, Dagmar Simon, Juergen Egeln, Birgit Aschhoff and Christoph Grimpe Forschen in getrennten Welten - Konkurrierende Orientierungen zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft in der Biotechnologie (Research in Seperate Worlds: The Competing Orientations of Science and Business in the Field of Biotech) Additional information and order option (German only): http://www.zew.de/publikation6679 (*) Please note: PDF files can be displayed with Adobe Acrobat Reader. The software can be downloaded for free: http://get.adobe.com/uk/reader 6. NEW RESEARCH PROJECTS Cartel Breakdowns and Merger Activity http://www.zew.de/project1234 Characteristics of Sovereign Debt Restructurings and Their Consequences http://www.zew.de/project1217 Economic iNsTRuments to Achieve Climate Targets in Europe http://www.zew.de/project1219 Growth Effects of Higher Labour Force Participation of Older Workers in Germany http://www.zew.de/project1228 Sustainable Partners - Partners for Sustainability: Emerging Emission Trading Schemes in PRC http://www.zew.de/project1229 The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Energy and Resource Efficiency http://www.zew.de/project1226 7. EVENTS 7.1. Scientific Events 13.09.2012 ZEW Research Seminar: What Is the Impact of ICT Capital on Firm Productivity? Service Industries Versus Manufacturing Speaker: Marina Rybalka (Statistics Norway) Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/event1715 13.09.2012 Mannheim Competition Policy Forum: Trying to Put a Value on Competition Law Enforcement Speaker: John Davies (OECD) Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/event1710 13.09.2012 Workshop: SEEK Workshop on Corporate Philanthropy Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/event1684 24.-25.09.2012 Workshop: Kick-Off Meeting ENTRACTE - Economic iNsTRuments to Achieve Climate Targets Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/event1719 21.09.2012 Workshop: SEEK Workshop on The Macroeconomic Substitution Between Clean and Dirty Production Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/event1713 26.09.2012 ZEW Research Seminar: The Pricing of Sovereign Risk and Contagion in Advanced and Emerging Economies Speaker: Marcel Fratzscher (European Central Bank) Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/event1686 27.09.2012 ZEW Research Seminar: Risk Attitudes and Occupational Choice Speaker: Olga Skriabikova (Maastricht University) Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/event1705 04.-05.10.2012 Conference: ZEW International Conference on the Dynamics of Entrepreneurship (CoDE) Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/event1664 11.10.2012 Mannheim Competition Policy Forum: Antitrust in Innovative Industries: The Optimal Legal Standards Speaker: Michele Polo (Bocconi University) Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/event1717 12.-13.10.2012 Conference: 4th ReCapNet Conference: Real Estate Markets and Capital Markets Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/event1633 12.-16.10.2012 Workshop: 14th ZEW Summer Workshop for Young Economists: Trade and the Environment Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/summerworkshop2012 18.10.2012 ZEW Research Seminar: Credit Shocks, Monetary Policy, and Business Cycles: Evidence from a Structural Time Varying Bayesian FAVAR Speaker: Jun.-Prof. Pooyan Amir Ahmadi (Goethe University Frankfurt) Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/event1707 21.-23.10.2012 Workshop: Education and Equality of Opportunity Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/event1673 25.-26.10.2012 MaCCI Law and Economic Conference: Net Neutrality and the Open Internet Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/event1693 ____________________________________________________________________ IMPRINT Publisher: Centre for European Economic Research GmbH (ZEW) L 7, 1 - 68161 Mannheim - Germany - http://www.zew.eu Phone +49 621/1235-01 Fax +49 621/1235-255 Seat of the company: Mannheim - Local Court Mannheim HRB 6554 Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Gerhard Stratthaus, MdL, Minister, ret. Executive Directors: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Franz, Thomas Kohl Editors: Yvonne Braeutigam, yvonne.braeutigam at zew.de ; Patrick Pilarek, pilarek at zew.de E-mail: newsletter-en at zew.de Editorial assistants: Sebastian Kreimes; Julia Glashauser Responsibility: Gunter Grittmann, grittmann at zew.de Legal note: http://www.zew.eu/legalnote You can subscribe/unsubscribe at any time - online via http://www.zew.eu/newsletter or - mail to zew-newsletter-englishedition-request at mx-assp2.zew.de Subject: (leave blank!) Text: subscribe zew-newsletter-englishedition or unsubscribe zew-newsletter-englishedition _____________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * *Messages sorted by:* [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ More information about the Zew-newsletter-englishedition mailing list