_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Z E W N E W S L E T T E R E N G L I S H E D I T I O N No. 2012-09 September 27, 2012 (Yvonne Braeutigam, newsletter-en at zew.de ) http://www.zew.eu _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Content 1. NEWS 2. STAFF 2.1. Awards 2.2. Visiting Researchers 3. PRESS RELEASES 4. RECENT PUBLICATIONS IN ENGLISH 4.1. Financial Market Report Switzerland 4.2. Financial Market Report CEE 4.3. ZEW Discussion Papers 4.4. ZEW Economic Studies 4.5. Expertises/Research Reports IN GERMAN 4.6. ZEWnews German Edition 4.7. ZEW Finanzmarktreport (ZEW Financial Market Report) 4.8. ZEW Wachstums- und Konjunkturanalysen (ZEW Growth and Business Cycle Analyses) 4.9. Deutscher Immobilien-Finanzierungsindex(DIFI)-Report (German Real Estate Finance Index (DIFI) Report) 4.10. Gutachten/Forschungsberichte (Expertises/Research Reports) 5. NEW RESEARCH PROJECTS 6. EVENTS 6.1. Scientific Events 7. JOB OFFERS _____________________________________________________________________ 1. NEWS 24.09.2012 ZEW Hosts the Opening Event of the Major European Climate Project ENTRACTE: Since Monday, September 24, 2012, numerous scientists from renowned research institutions from six European countries have been guests at ZEW in Mannheim. They are participating in the two-day opening conference of the research project "ENTRACTE - Economic Instruments to Achieve Climate Targets in Europe". The conference is the kick-off for several studies that will be dealing with the interaction of different policy instruments in Europe over the next two and half years. ENTRACTE is funded under the EU's 7th Framework Programme to develop recommendations to make the European climate policy more effective and efficient. More on the Opening Event of ENTRACTE at ZEW: http://www.zew.de/press2106 20.09.2012 SEEK Workshop: Patent Litigation in Europe - A Story of War and Settlement? (November 22, 2012 in Brussels): The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, and the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid are pleased to announce the SEEK workshop "Patent Litigation in Europe - A Story of War and Settlement", scheduled for November 22, 2012, in Brussels. The international workshop is located within the framework of the research programme "Strengthening Efficiency and Competitiveness in the European Knowledge Economies" (SEEK). It aims to discuss the effectiveness and efficiency of the current and potential future patent litigation system in the EU. We invite interested participants (non-presenters) to register via e-mail to patentworkshop2012 at zew.de no later than November 12, 2012. Please note that only a limited number of non-presenters will be able to attend. After the workshop all participants are invited to the speech of Prof. Wolfgang Franz, president of ZEW and chairman of the German Council of Economic Experts, with the title "Perspectives for Economic Policy: The Annual Report 2012/13 of the German Council of Economic Experts." This presentation will be given in German, a simultaneous translation in English will be provided. Additional information on the SEEK workshop: http://www.zew.de/patentworkshop2012 17.09.2012 Macroeconomic Qualification Programme MPS+ for Experts and Managers from Asia Starts at ZEW: Since mid-September, the qualification programme "Strengthening Macroeconomic Policies" (MPS+) has been taking place at the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim. ZEW is organising this programme on behalf of Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH already for the fourth time. Professionals and executives from various ministries and central banks of Asian countries are guests at ZEW for a period of ten weeks. Participants from Vietnam, China, and, for the first time, professionals from Myanmar are taking part in this year's qualification programme. Read more on the MPS+ programme: http://www.zew.de/news2100 12.09.2012 ZEW DIFI Report Published - Financing Conditions for Commercial Real Estates Are Deteriorating: During the third quarter of 2012, the market participants' expectations regarding financing conditions on the German real estate market have deteriorated. Compared to the previous quarter, the German Real Estate Finance Index (DIFI) decreased by 8.6 points and has thus reached its historic low of minus 26.7 points. These are the findings of the quarterly ZEW survey among real estate market experts concerning the real estate financing market in Germany. 41 experts participated in the August survey. Read more: http://www.zew.de/news2098 07.09.2012 ZEW President Wolfgang Franz on "Dismissal Protection": Beginning from the mid-aughts till today, the German labour market has seen a marked rise in the number of employees. This positive trend - interrupted only by the downturn in 2009, which was mild given the gravity of the recession - has quelled debate about labour market inflexibility in Germany. It has even been suggested that the rigidity of German labour laws stimulated the rise in employment. Read more: http://www.zew.de/news2101 04.09.2012 Q&A: Empirical Study on Hard Core Cartels Hard Core Cartelisation - Economic Effects and Policy Options: In an empirical study of a large German cement cartel, ZEW researchers examined the effects of overt collusion on consumers and economic welfare. Kai Hueschelrath, Head of ZEW's new "Competition and Regulation" Research Group, explains the most important findings. Read more: http://www.zew.de/news2102 For current news, please visit: http://www.zew.de/news 2. STAFF 2.1. Awards ZEW President Wolfgang Franz Honoured with the Gustav Stolper Award: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Franz received the Gustav Stolper Award 2012 on September 11, 2012. Bestowed by the Verein fuer Socialpolitik (VfS), the award honours economists who considerably influence public debates with their research results. Wolfgang Franz received the award for making a wider knowledge about economic issues available not only to students in lecture halls, but also to the public. According to VfS, Franz was honoured because "his contributions have an impact on political decision-making as well as on debates in the media and the general public". 2.2. Visiting Researchers Professor Benno Torgler Visiting Researcher at ZEW: Professor Benno Torgler, PhD, was visiting researcher at the ZEW Research Department "Corporate Taxation and Public Finance" from August 20 to September 11, 2012. Benno Torgler is Professor at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia. His primary research interest is applied economics. During his stay, he was working with ZEW researchers on the incentive effects and determinants of medal awards during the Second World War. Additional information on Prof. Benno Torgler: http://staff.qut.edu.au/staff/torgler Professor Michael Waterson Visiting Researcher at ZEW: Professor Michael Waterson, PhD, was visiting researcher at the ZEW Research Group "Competition and Regulation" from September 17-25, 2012. Michal Waterson is Professor at the University of Warwick, UK. He was the general editor of the Journal of Industrial Economics, President of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE) as well as a specialist advisor to a Select Committee of the House of Lords. Moreover, he was a member of several editorial boards for journals, e.g. the International Journal of Industrial Organisation. His current research activities in industrial economics include the development of competition in energy supply and the modelling of vertical linkages and market entry in various industrial sectors. During his stay, he focused on questions regarding the energy sector. His research activities at ZEW were located within the framework of the Helmholtz Alliance "ENERGY TRANS", of which ZEW is a member. Additional information on Prof. Michael Waterson http://www.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/economics/staff/academic/waterson 3. PRESS RELEASES 27.09.2012 - ZEW/gif (kbo/gif) ZEW/gif Office Market Forecast - The End of the Rally Is in Sight: Germany's top office markets still register a slight upswing in 2012. For 2013, however, stagnation is expected. Vacancies, top rents and high yields will remain nearly constant. These are the findings of the fifth survey among real estate market experts, which is conducted on a six-month basis by the Society of Property Researchers (gif - Gesellschaft fuer Immobilienwirtschaftliche Forschung) in cooperation with the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim. Read more: http://www.zew.de/press2116 21.09.2012 - ZEW (mkp/ggr) Demographic Change Causes Germany's Current Account Surplus to Shrink: In the context of the current economic crisis, Germany is often accused of generating a high current account surplus at the expense of other EU states. To reduce surplus growth, Germany is thus asked to increase consumption while decreasing exports to reduce the economic imbalance between EU states. However, the German current account surplus is just a snapshot of the current economic situation. In the long run, it will continuously decrease and completely disappear around the year 2030. After that, a current account deficit is even to be expected and is likely to stabilise at approximately two per cent of the gross domestic product per year. Demographic change, the declining and ageing population in Germany, is responsible for this development. These are the findings of a study conducted by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim in collaboration with Ulm University on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Finance. Read more: http://www.zew.de/press2111 20.09.2012 - ZEW (osc/eje) Major European Climate Project ENTRACTE Launched at ZEW: The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) will host the kick-off meeting of the research project ENTRACTE (Economic iNsTRuments to Achieve Climate Targets in Europe) on 24 and 25 September, 2012. Researchers of renowned research institutions from six European countries will participate in the event in Mannheim. Read more: http://www.zew.de/press2106 20.09.2012 - ZEW (zil/kbo) ZEW-Erste Group Bank Economic Sentiment Indicator for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) - Economic Expectations for the CEE Region Decline Slightly: Economic expectations for Central and Eastern Europe including Turkey (CEE) slightly declined in September. The ZEW-Erste Group Bank Economic Sentiment Indicator dropped to a level of minus 14.6 points after a slight decrease by 5.3 points. The economic sentiment indicator for the CEE region and further financial market data have been surveyed monthly by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim with the support of Erste Group Bank in Vienna since 2007. Read more: http://www.zew.de/press2107 19.09.2012 - ZEW (lja/kbo) ZEW-CS Financial Market Test Switzerland - Broadly Stable Economic Outlook: Economic expectations for Switzerland declined slightly by 1.6 points in September 2012. Thus, the ZEW-CS Indicator of Economic Sentiment has hardly changed and hovers at the minus 34.9 points mark. The ZEW-CS Indicator is calculated monthly by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in cooperation with Credit Suisse (CS). The indicator reflects the expectations of the surveyed financial market experts regarding the economic development in Switzerland on a six-month time horizon. Read more: http://www.zew.de/press2104 18.09.2012 - ZEW (cdi/fmo/kbo) ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment - Economic Expectations Brighten up Slightly: The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany increased by 7.3 points in September 2012. It is now standing at a level of minus 18.2 points. This is the indicator's first increase after four declines in a row. The evaluation of the experts' responses before and after the decision of Germany's Federal Constitutional Court on the European Stabilisation Mechanism (ESM) showed no significant differences. The negative value of the indicator shows that the financial market experts are still expecting the German economy to lose momentum over the next six months. Read more: http://www.zew.de/press2103 11.09.2012 - ZEW/ProgTrans (che/ggr) ZEW/ProgTrans Survey among Transport Market Experts - Slight Increase of Transport Prices Expected Despite Lower Freight Volumes in Germany: The tarnished situation of the German economy is affecting the transport markets. The experts of the ZEW/ProgTrans TransportmarktBarometer have, at any rate, never assessed freight volumes for the six months to come more cautiously since mid-2009. Read more: http://www.zew.de/press2096 For current press releases, please visit: http://www.zew.de/en/presse 4. RECENT PUBLICATIONS IN ENGLISH 4.1. Financial Market Report Switzerland Financial Market Report Switzerland October 2012 * Economic Outlook for Switzerland: Almost Unchanged * Current Economic Situation: Still Deteriorating * Inflation Expectations: Risks to the Upside * Interest Rates: Expectations Are Unchanged * Stock Market: Constructive Outlook * Swiss Franc Versus Euro: Status Quo * Special Questions: Monetary Policy Download as PDF file (* for PDF files, reference is given at the end of "RECENT PUBLICATIONS"): http://www.zew.de/FinancialMarketReportSwitzerland102012.pdf 4.2. Financial Market Report CEE Financial Market Report CEE October 2012 * Economic Expectations for the Central and Eastern European Region Decline * Economic Outlook for the CEE Region, Austria, and the Eurozone * Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia: Currency Depreciation in Sight * Croatia, Hungary, and Romania: Bullish Stock Market Revision * Turkey: Bearish Revision of Stock Market Expectations * Special Question: Stock Market Forecasts and Risk Assessment Download as PDF file(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/fmt_cee/FMTCEE102012.pdf 4.3. ZEW Discussion Papers 12-058 Christian Koehler; Christian Rammer Buyer Power and Suppliers' Incentives to Innovate Download as PDF file(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/dp/dp12058.pdf 12-057 Daniel Dressler Form Follows Function? Evidence on Tax Savings by Multinational Holding Structures Download as PDF file(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/dp/dp12057.pdf 4.4. ZEW Economic Studies Volume 46 Thomas Walter Germany's 2005 Welfare Reform - Evaluating Key Characteristics with a Focus on Immigrants Additional information and order page: http://www.zew.de/publication6729 Volume 45 Marcus Kappler, Andreas Sachs Business Cycle Synchronisation and Economic Integration - New Evidence from the EU Additional information and order page: http://www.zew.de/publication6695 Volume 44 Klaus Rennings, Bettina Brohmann, Julia Hentwich, Joachim Schleich, Thure Traber, Rolf Wuestenhagen Sustainable Energy Consumption in Residential Buildings Additional information and order page: http://www.zew.de/publication6706 4.5. Expertises Andreas Schibany, Marcin Borowiecki, Bernhard Dachs, Michael Dinges, Helmut Gassler, Karl-Heinz Leitner, Christian Rammer, Gerhard Streicher, Matthias Weber and Georg Zahradnik (2012), Austrian Research and Technology Report 2012, Report for the Federal Government to the Parliament (National Council) under Section 8 (2) of the Research Organisation Act, on federally subsidised research, technology and innovation in Austria, Federal Ministry of Science and Research (BMWF); Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation, and Technology (BMVIT); and Federal Ministry of Economy, Family, and Youth (BMWFJ), Vienna. Additional information and download: http://www.zew.de/publication6731 IN GERMAN 4.6. ZEWnews German Edition The ZEWnews September 2012 German edition contains articles on: * Interest Barrier also affects "wrong" companies * Further Expenses for an Emissions Trading Scheme for Maritime Shipping Are Rather Small * Increases in Productivity through Adjusted New Technologies for Avoiding Greenhouse Gases * Q&A: Empirical Study on Cartels * On the Use of Overdraft Credits - Distinguished by Types of Households * International Conference at ZEW on the Role of Expectations on Financial Markets * Corporate Taxation and Corporate Tax Planning between Practical Problems and Reform Plans * Workshop by ZEW and Fudan University * From PC to Social Networks * Opinion on: Dismissal Protection Download as PDF (German only)(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/zn/zn0912.pdf 4.7. ZEW Finanzmarktreport (ZEW Financial Market Report) ZEW Financial Market Report October 2012 * Economic Expectations Improve Slightly * ECB: Inflation Expectations Rise * USA: Slight Increase of Economic Expectations * Japan: Assessment Worsens Again * Great Britain: Economic Situation and Expectations Improve * Special Question: Methods for Stock Market Forecasts and Risk Assessment Download as PDF file (German only)(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/frep/102012.pdf 4.8. ZEW Wachstums- und Konjunkturanalysen (ZEW Growth and Business Cycle Analyses) ZEW Growth and Business Cycle Analyses No. 3 (September) - 2012 * German Economy Defies Crisis - Facing a Test in Autumn * The Expected Situation Within the EMU * Findings of the August Survey 2012 * Sentiment Within the Information Economy Nearly Unchanged Until Mid-Year * Saving and Investing Against the Background of the Demographic Change * Wages or Employment? What Explains the Development Structure of Labour Dynamics? * What Are the Impacts of Basel III on Real Estate Financing in Europe? * EU Decision Makers in Favour of more Integration Download as PDF (German only)(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/kr/kr1203.pdf 4.9. Deutscher Immobilien-Finanzierungsindex(DIFI)-Report (German Real Estate Finance Index (DIFI) Report) DIFI Report Third Quarter - 2012 * Outlook for Commercial Property Financing Deteriorates Significantly * Sceptical Prospects for Refinancing Markets * Special Question: Real Estate Debt Funds at the German Real Estate Market Download as PDF (German only)(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/DIFI/DIFI092012.pdf 4.10. Gutachten/Forschungsberichte (Expertises/Research Reports) Katharina Finke, Jost Henrich Heckemeyer and Christoph Spengel (2012), Konsequenzen einer zinsbereinigten Bemessungsgrundlage fuer die Steuerbelastung deutscher Unternehmen und das Steueraufkommen (Assessing the Impact of an Allowance for Corporate Equity on the Tax Burden of German Firms and the Aggregate Tax Revenue), DIE FAMILIENUNTERNEHMER - ASU, Mannheim. Additional information and order page (German only): http://www.zew.de/publikation6696 (*) Please note: PDF files can be displayed with Adobe Acrobat Reader. The software can be downloaded for free: http://get.adobe.com/uk/reader 5. NEW RESEARCH PROJECTS Confluence - Taxation Database http://www.zew.de/project1239 Quality Differences in Telecommunication Services and Firms' Innovation Activity in Germany http://www.zew.de/project1243 Start-ups in the ICT Sector http://www.zew.de/project1241 The Leveraging Role of Trademarks and Brands for Product Innovations - Trademarks as Value Correlates for Innovation Success http://www.zew.de/project1242 Update 2012 on the Country Index for Family Enterprises http://www.zew.de/project1238 6. EVENTS 6.1. Scientific Events 04.-05.10.2012 Conference: ZEW International Conference on the Dynamics of Entrepreneurship (CoDE) Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/entrepreneurship2012 11.10.2012 Mannheim Competition Policy Forum: Antitrust in Innovative Industries: The Optimal Legal Standards Speaker: Michele Polo (Bocconi University) Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/event1717 12.-13.10.2012 Conference: 4th ReCapNet Conference: Real Estate Markets and Capital Markets Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/event1633 12.-16.10.2012 ZEW Summer Workshop: 14th ZEW Summer Workshop for Young Economists 2012: Trade and the Environment Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/summerworkshop2012 18.10.2012 ZEW Research Seminar: Credit Shocks, Monetary Policy, and Business Cycles: Evidence from a Structural Time Varying Bayesian FAVAR Speaker: Jun.-Prof. Pooyan Amir Ahmadi (Goethe University Frankfurt) Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/event1707 21.-23.10.2012 Workshop: Education and Equality of Opportunity Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/event1673 25.-26.10.2012 Conference: MaCCI Law and Economic Conference on The Future of the Internet Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/event1693 07.11.2012 Workshop: 2nd ProdIT Workshop: Productivity in the Service Sector - Challenges of Measurement Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/event1732 08.11.2012 ZEW Research Seminar: 150 Years of Boom and Bust. What Drives Mineral Commodity Prices? Speaker: Martin Stuermer (University Bonn) Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/event1703 08.-09.11.2012 Workshop: MaCCl Workshop on Reputation in Organisations and Markets Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/event1695 15.-16.11.2012 Conference: The Green Growth Dilemma: Final Conference of the PAKT Project "Economics of an Integrated and Long-Term Climate and Energy Policy" Location of the event: Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC), Berlin (Germany) Additional information: http://www.zew.de/event1733 22.11.2012 Workshop: SEEK Workshop: Patent Litigation in Europe - A Story of War and Settlement? Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/event1721 23.-24.11.2012 Workshop: SEEK Workshop on Incentives and Innovations Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional information: http://www.zew.de/event1706 7. JOB OFFERS 27.09.2012 Researcher for the Research Department "International Finance and Financial Management" For the complete job offer, please visit: http://www.zew.de/career350 06.09.2012 Researcher (Postgraduate) for the Research Department "Labour Markets, Human Resources and Social Policy" For the complete job offer, please visit: http://www.zew.de/career349 ____________________________________________________________________ IMPRINT Publisher: Centre for European Economic Research GmbH (ZEW) L 7, 1 - 68161 Mannheim - Germany - http://www.zew.eu Phone +49 621/1235-01 Fax +49 621/1235-255 Seat of the company: Mannheim - Local Court Mannheim HRB 6554 Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Gerhard Stratthaus, MdL, Minister (ret.) Executive Directors: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Franz, Thomas Kohl Editors: Yvonne Braeutigam, yvonne.braeutigam at zew.de ; Patrick Pilarek, pilarek at zew.de E-mail: newsletter-en at zew.de Editorial assistants: Sebastian Kreimes; Christian Welt Responsibility: Gunter Grittmann, grittmann at zew.de Legal note: http://www.zew.eu/legalnote You can subscribe/unsubscribe at any time - online via http://www.zew.eu/newsletter or - mail to zew-newsletter-englishedition-request at mx-assp2.zew.de Subject: (leave blank!) Text: subscribe zew-newsletter-englishedition or unsubscribe zew-newsletter-englishedition _____________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * *Messages sorted by:* [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ More information about the Zew-newsletter-englishedition mailing list