[ZEW Newsletter English Edition] 2015-09 *zew-newsletter-englishedition at mx-assp2.zew.de* zew-newsletter-englishedition at mx-assp2.zew.de /Tue Sep 29 17:21:14 MEST 2015/ * *Messages sorted by:* [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Z E W N E W S L E T T E R E N G L I S H E D I T I O N No. 2015-09 September 29, 2015 (Yvonne Braeutigam, newsletter-en at zew.de ) http://www.zew.eu _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Content 1. NEWS 2. Call for Papers 2.1. Conference on Occupations, Skills, and the Labour Market 3. STAFF 3.1. In Memoriam 3.2. Appointments 3.3. Guests at ZEW 4. PRESS RELEASES 5. RECENT PUBLICATIONS IN ENGLISH 5.1. ZEW policy brief 5.2. Financial Market Report Switzerland 5.3. KfW/ZEW CO2 Barometer 5.4. ZEW Discussion Papers 5.5. Expertises/Research Reports IN GERMAN 5.6. ZEWnews German Edition 5.7. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport (ZEW Financial Market Report) 5.8. Deutscher Immobilien-Finanzierungsindex(DIFI)-Report (German Real Estate Finance Index (DIFI) Report) 5.9. ZEW Discussion Papers 5.10. Gutachten/Forschungsberichte (Expertises/Research Reports) 6. NEW RESEARCH PROJECTS 7. EVENTS 7.1. Public Events 7.2. Scientific Events 8. JOB OFFERS _____________________________________________________________________ 1. NEWS 29.09.2015 - ZEW (kko/ybr) Fifth SEEK Annual Conference at ZEW (October 8-9, 2015): Mario Monti, former Prime Minister of Italy, and Peter Praet, executive board member and chief economist of the European Central Bank, are the keynote speakers of the fifth SEEK Annual Conference under the heading "Overcoming the Crisis: How to Foster Innovation and Entrepreneurship in a Diverging European Economy?", held on October 8 and 9, 2015. Can investment in innovation and entrepreneurship be an instrument to tackle the growing divide between national economies in the euro area? Which policy measures effectively stimulate innovation? Is the economic environment in Europe sufficiently conducive to business creation? Monti and Praet will discuss these issues with guests from the realms of business, politics, and academia at ZEW. If you wish to participate, please contact us no later than October 2, 2015, at seek at zew.eu. Read more: http://www.zew.de/en/news/3155 28.09.2015 - ZEW (ybr/pbo) 2015 Beijing Humboldt Forum in Cooperation with ZEW: The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation jointly organised this year's Beijing Humboldt Forum on September 19 to 21, 2015, in the Chinese capital. Within the framework of the forum, ZEW researchers presented their latest findings concerning the quality of Chinese patents, the evaluation of joint R&D programmes in Europe, and the relation between politicians' promotion and bank risk exposure in China. The forum, which took place under the heading "Green Economy, Cultural Heritage, and Innovation of Materials", aimed to strengthen the research cooperation between Germany and China in these fields. Read more: http://www.zew.de/en/news/3152 25.09.2015 - ZEW (jpr) High-Level Closing Conference of the ENTRACTE Research Project in Brussels: On September 25, high-ranking researchers and decision-makers meet in Brussels for the closing conference of the ENTRACTE research project. Over the past three years, the project, which is funded under the EU's Seventh Framework Programme for Research, has analysed the interactions of climate and energy policy instruments. Coordinated by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), the project brought together nine scientific partners from five countries, including renowned institutions such as the London School of Economics. Read more: http://www.zew.de/en/news/3153 24.09.2015 - ZEW (ole/jgl/ybr) DIFI Report by ZEW and JLL Released: Euphoria Has Worn off: The German Real Estate Finance Index (DIFI) has decreased by 23.5 points in the third quarter of 2015 to a current reading of 6.2 points. This is the indicator's lowest level since the end of 2012. The significant quarter-on-quarter loss is attributable to a less favourable assessment of the financing situation in the past six months. In addition, experts' optimism in regard to financing expectations has somewhat decreased. A clear majority of experts, however, assess both the situation and the outlook as unchanged. These are the key findings of the DIFI Report, a quarterly survey on the real estate financing market by ZEW in cooperation with JLL. Read more: http://www.zew.de/en/news/3149 23.09.2015 - ZEW (fkr/ggr) ZEW Strongly Represented at 69th German Business Economists Day: The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) was very well represented at the first day of the 69th "Deutscher Betriebswirtschafter Tag" (German Business Economists Day). The event was hosted by the Schmalenbach Gesellschaft fuer Betriebswirtschaft (SG), Duesseldorf, from September 23 to 24, 2015. ZEW President Professor Clemens Fuest, Professor Sascha Steffen, head of the ZEW Research Department "International Finance and Financial Management", and ZEW Research Associate Professor Martin Weber held lectures and chaired discussions at the event, which took place under the headline "Regulierung auf dem Pruefstand: Auswirkungen der Regulierung auf globalisierte Geschaeftsmodelle" (Regulation Called into Question: How Regulation Affects Global Business Models). Read more: http://www.zew.de/en/news/3151 22.09.2015 - ZEW (ybr) Innovative SMEs 2025 - Delphi Survey by ZEW and Prognos: What are the challenges and trends facing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the coming ten years? A joint study by ZEW and Prognos AG, commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, sheds light on this issue. In a Delphi survey, an essential part of the study, SMEs are asked about future challenges. What factors support SMEs in seizing new opportunities? What are the impediments? Help us to answer these questions by participating in the survey. Everyone is welcome to contribute. The results will be used to further develop SME-oriented innovation policy. To participate in our anonymous survey (in German), please visit: http://befragung.prognos.com/index.php/346478/lang-de 18.09.2015 - ZEW (ggr/mye) ZEW Lunch Debate in Brussels - Experts Discuss Effectiveness of Fiscal Rules in Eurozone: The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) once again held one of its regular Lunch Debates at the Representation of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg in Brussels in September 2015. On this occasion, the event focused on Europe's new fiscal governance. The central question concerned Europe's new set of fiscal rules: Do they constitute a quantum leap, or are they not worth the paper they're written on? Read more: http://www.zew.de/en/news/3144 10.09.2015 - ZEW (fkr) ZEW to Contribute Actively to 2015 VfS Annual Conference: The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) contributed actively to the 2015 Annual Conference of the Verein fuer Socialpolitik (VfS, Social Policy Association) held at the University of Muenster from September 6 to 9,2015. Besides providing a number of presentations, ZEW also hosted an information stand. About 800 researchers in economics attended this year's international conference of the association, which was dedicated to the topic "Economic Development - Theory and Policy". ZEW researchers provided a total of 18 presentations. Read more: http://www.zew.de/en/news/3123 04.09.2015 - ZEW (ggr) 2015 DFG Funding Atlas Shows ZEW's Strong Position in the 7th EU Framework Programme: The recently published "Funding Atlas 2015" of the German Research Foundation (DFG) has impressively confirmed ZEW's strong research focus on European issues. According to the DFG funding ranking, the Mannheim Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) is one of 18 out of 89 research institutes in the Leibniz Association to receive more than three million euros of funding under the 7th Framework Programme between 2007 and 2013. Read more: http://www.zew.de/en/news/3125 28.08.2015 - ZEW (fkr) ZEW to Make a Good Impression at the 2015 EEA Congress in Mannheim: The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) made a good impression at the Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (EEA), which was held at the University of Mannheim from August 24 to 27, 2015. Researchers of the Mannheim-based institute provided numerous presentations, participated in poster sessions, for instance at the ZEW Welcome Reception with more than 100 guests. Read more: http://www.zew.de/en/news/3107 2. Call for Papers 2.1. Conference on Occupations, Skills, and the Labour Market 11.09.2015 - ZEW (jgl/ybr) Conference on Occupations, Skills, and the Labour Market (March 18-19, 2016): The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) is pleased to announce a conference entitled "Occupations, Skills, and the Labour Market" in Mannheim on March 18 and 19, 2016. The conference focuses on occupations and skills in industrialised countries and on the ways these interact with employment, wages, and participation in the labour market as well as social inequality. We invite empirical and theoretical contributions on this topic from all areas of economics, personnel economics, and sociology. Interested researchers should submit full papers (preliminary versions are welcome) in PDF format to Arne Jonas Warnke via e-mail to dfg1764 at zew.de no later than December 15, 2015. If possible, include up to four JEL Codes. Additional information and Call for Papers: http://www.zew.de/en/events/2202 3. STAFF 3.1. In Memoriam 17.09.2015 - ZEW (ggr) Dr. Klaus Rennings Deceased: On Wednesday, 16 September 2015, Dr. Klaus Rennings, Head of ZEW's Research Department "Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management", died unexpectedly. It was with deep regret and great sadness that the Board of Directors, the works council and all ZEW employees learned of the passing away of Klaus Rennings. Read more: http://www.zew.de/en/news/3139 3.2. Appointments 01.09.2015 - ZEW (ssf/ggr) Professor Sascha Steffen New Head of ZEW Research Department "International Finance and Financial Management": Professor Sascha Steffen (37) takes office as new head of the "International Finance and Financial Management" Research Department at the Mannheim Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW). His primary research interests lie in the areas of European banking regulation and financial market stability, credit risk, as well as financial intermediation. Sascha Steffen currently holds an associate professorship of finance at ESMT European School of Management and Technology in Berlin. The position as ZEW research unit head also includes a professorship at the University of Mannheim, Business School, which he will assume as of January 1, 2016. Read more: http://www.zew.de/en/press/3118 01.09.2015 - ZEW (ggr/fkr/mwr) Professor Martin Weber New Research Associate at ZEW: The Research Department "International Finance and Financial Management" at the Mannheim Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) welcomes a new Research Associate: Professor Martin Weber. Professor Weber holds the Chair of Business Administration and Finance, especially Banking, at the University of Mannheim. At ZEW, he will primarily address research related to investment, investors, and regulation. In addition to banking management, his research also focuses on behavioural economics. Read more: http://www.zew.de/en/press/3119 3.3. Guests at ZEW 29.09.2015 - ZEW (jgl/ybr) Carlo Cambini Visiting Researcher at ZEW: Carlo Cambini, PhD, was a visiting researcher in ZEW's Research Group "Competition and Regulation" from September 21 to 23, 2015. He is Professor of Industrial Organisation at Politecnico di Torino (Italy). His research interests lie in the field of industrial economics with a special focus on competition policy and regulation in regulated sectors. During his stay, he conferred with ZEW researchers on two ongoing research projects on investment incentives of telecommunications companies in the development of new broadband infrastructures. Additional information on Carlo Cambini, PhD: http://fsr.eui.eu/People/Advisers/CambiniCarlo.aspx 23.09.2015 - ZEW (ybr/jpr) Young Leaders from China and Germany Visit ZEW: As part of the fourth German-Chinese Young Leaders Conference, about 40 young executives from both countries visited ZEW on Wednesday, September 23, 2015. They discussed current economic issues with ZEW researchers and received insights into the work of the economic research institute. Read more: http://www.zew.de/en/news/3148 18.09.2015 - ZEW (jgl/ybr) Thorsten Martin Visiting Researcher at ZEW: Thorsten Martin was a visiting researcher in ZEW's Research Department "Corporate Taxation and Public Finance" on September 14 and 15, 2015. He is a doctoral researcher at the Chair for Public Economics at the University of Potsdam. His research interest lies in the field of applied spatial econometrics. The purpose of Thorsten Martin's research stay was the planning of a joint project on tax competition between municipalities with ZEW researchers. Additional information on Thorsten Martin: http://www.uni-potsdam.de/en/lsfiwi/people/martin.html 15.09.2015 - ZEW (jgl/ybr) Prof. Van Anh Vuong Visiting Researcher at ZEW: Professor Van Anh Vuong, PhD, was a visiting researcher at ZEW's Research Department "Industrial Economics and International Management" from August 24 to 28, 2015. She is Assistant Professor for applied microeconomics at the University of Cologne and affiliated researcher at the Institute of Energy Economics at the University of Cologne (EWI). Her research interests lie in the fields of applied microeconomics and empirical industrial organisation, in particular innovation economics as well as firm entry and firm exit. During her stay, Van Anh Vuong presented the paper entitled "Firm R&D Decision and Export Market Exposure", jointly written with ZEW researcher Bettina Peters and ZEW Research Associate Professor Mark Roberts from Pennsylvania State University, at the 30th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association at the University of Mannheim. Furthermore, she was working on two more papers within the framework of the research programme "Strengthening Efficiency and Competitiveness in the European Knowledge Economies" (SEEK). Additional information on Prof. Van Anh Vuong, PhD: http://www.ewi.uni-koeln.de/en/institute/team/researchers/van-anh-vuong/ 4. PRESS RELEASES 18.09.2015 - ZEW (cfu/fkr) ZEW President Fuest Commments on the Federal Reserve's Decision on Interest Rates: "If the Inflation Rate Rises, a Turnaround in Interest Policy Is Inevitable": The Federal Reserve announced on September 17 that the Federal Funds Rate will remain at a target rate of 0.0 to 0.25 per cent until the end of 2015. The President of the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Professor Clemens Fuest, comments on the decision. Read more: http://www.zew.de/en/press/3140 17.09.2015 - ZEW (zil/fkr) ZEW-Erste Group Bank Economic Sentiment Indicator for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) - Downturn in Economic Expectations: Economic expectations for Central and Eastern Europe including Turkey (CEE region) have declined in September 2015. In the current survey, the ZEW-Erste Group Bank Economic Sentiment Indicator for the CEE region has decreased by 11.4 points to a reading of 7.6 points. The ZEW-Erste Group Bank Economic Sentiment Indicator for Central and Eastern Europe reflects financial market experts' expectations for the CEE region on a six-month time horizon. The indicator has been compiled on a monthly basis together with further financial market data by the Mannheim Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) with the support of Erste Group Bank, Vienna, since 2007. Read more: http://www.zew.de/en/press/3137 16.09.2015 - ZEW (lja/mte/fkr) ZEW-CS Financial Market Test Switzerland - Mildly Positive Growth Outlook: The ZEW-CS Indicator for Switzerland has risen by 3.8 points to a reading of 9.7 points in September 2015 reaching its highest value since March 2014. Experts remain cautious, however, in regard to the economic trend in Switzerland. Slightly more than one third of respondents expect the situation to improve, one quarter forecasts a deterioration and the remaining respondents do not expect any change in the Swiss economic situation. The ZEW-CS Indicator reflects the expectations of the surveyed financial market experts regarding the economic development in Switzerland on a six-month time horizon. It is calculated on a monthly basis by the Mannheim Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in cooperation with Credit Suisse (CS), Zurich. Read more: http://www.zew.de/en/press/3133 15.09.2015 - ZEW (ggr/dre/jpr) ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment - Emerging Markets Dampen Economic Outlook: The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany has declined in September 2015. Decreasing by 12.9 points compared to the previous month, the index now stands at a level of 12.1 points (long-term average: 24.9 points). "The weakening economic development in emerging markets dampens the economic outlook for Germany's export-oriented economy. While economic growth in the second quarter was largely driven by external demand, it is becoming less likely that exports will stimulate growth in the near future," says ZEW President Professor Clemens Fuest. Read more: http://www.zew.de/en/press/3131 14.09.2015 - ZEW (rge/pma/nwo/fkr) ZEW and GEM Energy Market Barometers - Paris Climate Summit: French and German Energy Experts Have Low Expectations: The upcoming UN Climate Summit in Paris is unlikely to lead to a legally binding international agreement. Ambitious national climate policy targets in France or Germany, however, would not be watered down if the next climate summit failed. In both countries, a mandatory climate agreement would in particular spur investments in the energy and electrical engineering sectors. These are the key findings of the recent ZEW and GEM Energy Market Barometers, twice-yearly surveys carried out among German and French energy experts. Read more: http://www.zew.de/en/press/3130 02.09.2015 - ZEW (msc/ggr) China Economic Panel (CEP) of the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) and Fudan University (Shanghai) - Economic Outlook for China Deteriorates Significantly: The CEP Indicator, which reflects the expectations of international financial market experts regarding China's macroeconomic development over the coming twelve months, has deteriorated significantly in the current survey period (August 17-31, 2015). It has dropped from 8.8 to minus 6.0 points. Interestingly, the change in sentiment is not yet reflected in GDP forecasts. The growth figures of 6.9 per cent for 2015 and 6.7 per cent for 2016 are strikingly similar to the forecasts provided by the government. Very likely, the estimates included in the CEP Indicator are much more realistic, since there is no government equivalent to this indicator. Read more: http://www.zew.de/en/press/3122 5. RECENT PUBLICATIONS IN ENGLISH 5.1. ZEW policy brief ZEW policy brief - No. 4, 2015 Better Fiscal Rules for Europe: Reflections Based on New Empirical Evidence Download as PDF file(*)(reference is given at the end of "RECENT PUBLICATIONS"): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/policybrief/pb04-15.pdf 5.2. Financial Market Report Switzerland Financial Market Report Switzerland October 2015 * Question Marks Hang Over Growth Outlook for Switzerland * International Financial Market Data - Assessments and Expectations * Inflation Expectations Rise * Interest-Rate Expectations Largely Unchanged * Swiss Franc Expected to Depreciate * Analysts Expect Stock Markets to Rally * Special Question 1: Long-Term Growth Forecasts * Special Question 2: Long-Term Inflation Forecasts Download as PDF file(*): http://www.zew.de/FinancialMarketReportSwitzerland102015.pdf 5.3. KfW/ZEW CO2 Barometer 2015 KfW/ZEW CO2 Barometer - Carbon Edition * Price expectations for European Union Allowances (EUAs) were corrected upwards and depict a positive trend in the medium and long term. * The EU ETS generated only weak incentives for firms to implement carbon abatement measures. * In previous years, the regulated companies increased their emission allowance trading activity. This trend was reversed in 2014. * Only 15 per cent of the respondents see it as likely that an international climate agreement will be reached at the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris. * A binding international climate agreement is considered to be less harmful for companies' competitiveness than Europe-wide or national climate actions. Download as PDF file (*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/co2panel/CO2Barometer2015.pdf 5.4. ZEW Discussion Papers 15-071 Willi Semmler; Alexander Haider The Perils of Debt Deflation in the Euro Area - A Multi Regime Model Download as PDF file(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/dp/dp15071.pdf 15-069 Marek Giebel; Kornelius Kraft The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Investments in Innovative Firms Download as PDF file(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/dp/dp15069.pdf 15-068 Clemens Fuest; Jing Xing How Can a Country 'Graduate' from Procyclical Fiscal Policy? Evidence from China Download as PDF file(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/dp/dp15068.pdf 15-067 Dominik Schober; Oliver Woll Disentangling Irregular Cycles in Economic Time Series Download as PDF file(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/dp/dp15067.pdf 15-066 Nikolaus Fink; Stefan Fruebing Legal and Illegal Cartels in the European Cement Industry Download as PDF file(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/dp/dp15066.pdf 15-065 Dominik Schober; Christoph Weber Refinancing Under Yardstick Regulation with Investment Cycles - The Case of Long-Lived Electricity Network Assets Download as PDF file(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/dp/dp15065.pdf 5.5. Expertises/Research Reports Christoph Spengel, P. Hausemer, S. Bergner, Rainer Braeutigam, Maria Theresia Evers, S. Plances and Frank Streif (2015), SME Taxation in Europe - An Empirical Study of Applied Corporate Income Taxation for SMEs Compared to Large Enterprises, European Commission (CIP Programme), Mannheim. Additional information and order option: http://www.zew.de/en/publications/8020 IN GERMAN 5.6. ZEWnews German Edition The September 2015 ZEWnews German Edition contains the following articles: * Nursing-Care Industry in Germany Still Hesitates to Recruit International Staff * Language Acquisition: Classmates Influence a Migrant's Learning Outcome * Innovation - Investments in Times of Crisis Pay Off During Upswing * Inheritance Tax Reform Increases Costs of Business Transfers * Growing Demand Raises Global Need for Raw Materials * Rent Indices Lack Market Proximity and Adequate Data Bases * Debt Level Has Increased but Budget Is Balanced as Germany Exits Crisis * Q&A: How Can Germany Benefit from Immigration? * Opinion on: How Can Joint Liability Within the Eurozone Be Contained? Download as PDF file (in German)(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/zn/zn0915.pdf 5.7. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport (ZEW Financial Market Report) ZEW Financial Market Report October 2015 * Emerging Economies Dampen Economic Outlook * Eurozone: Inflation Expectations Decrease * USA: Economic Situation Still Improving * Japan: Economic Situation and Expectations Deteriorate * Great Britain: Economic Expectations Dropped Slightly * Special Question: Stock Market Expectations and Risk Preferences Download as PDF file (in German)(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/frep/102015.pdf 5.8. Deutscher Immobilien-Finanzierungsindex(DIFI)-Report (German Real Estate Finance Index (DIFI) Report) DIFI Report - Third Quarter 2015 * Signs of Tableau in Real Estate Financing Market * DIFI Comes Close to Baseline * All Types of Use Decreasing * Assessment of Refinancing Situation Declines * Special Question: Macro Prudential Measures and Commercial Real Estate Financing Download as PDF file (in German)(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/DIFI/DIFI092015.pdf 5.9. ZEW Discussion Papers 15-070 Rainer Braeutigam; Christoph Spengel Steuerpolitik in Deutschland - eine Halbzeitbilanz der aktuellen Legislaturperiode im Kontext europaeischer Entwicklungen (German Fiscal Policy - A Mid-term Review of the Current Legislative Period in the Context of European Trends) Download as PDF file(*): http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/dp/dp15070.pdf 5.10. Gutachten/Forschungsberichte (Expertises/Research Reports) Friedrich Heinemann, Christoph Spengel, Rainer Braeutigam and Maria Theresia Evers (2015), Das Eckpunktepapier und der Referentenentwurf des BMF zur Erbschaftsteuer, Auswirkungen auf die effektive Erbschaftsteuerbelastung in Deutschand und internationaler Vergleich (The Key Issue Paper and Draft Bill by the Federal Ministry of Finance on the Inheritance Tax, Impact on the Effective Inheritance Tax Burden in Germany and International Comparison), Foundation for Family Businesses, Munich. Additional information and order option (German only): http://www.zew.de/en/publications/8018 Friedhelm Pfeiffer (2015), Bildungsindikatoren im internationalen Vergleich - Bestandsaufnahme und kritische Wuerdigung (Educational Indicators in an International Perspective - Assessment and Discussion), including contributions by Christina Anger, Bernd Fitzenberger, Michael Gebel, Corinna Kleinert, Kai Maaz, Kerstin Schneider, Regina Riphahn and Ludger Woessmann, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Mannheim. Additional information and order option (German only): http://www.zew.de/en/publications/8024 (*) Please note: PDF files can be displayed with Adobe Acrobat Reader. The software can be downloaded for free: http://get.adobe.com/uk/reader 6. NEW RESEARCH PROJECTS Expert Dialogue Regulatory Framework for the Digital Economy http://www.zew.de/en/projects/1519 Firm Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy - Indicator Study 2016 http://www.zew.de/en/projects/1518 Opportunities and Challenges of Digitalisation for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises http://www.zew.de/en/projects/1520 The Impact of Tax Planning on Forward-Looking Effective Tax Rates http://www.zew.de/en/projects/1521 The Effect of Inflation Rates and Interest Rates on Forward-Looking Effective Tax Rates http://www.zew.de/en/projects/1522 7. EVENTS 7.1. Public Events 18.11.2015 ZEW Lunch Debates: The Road to Paris: Towards a Fair and Effective Climate Agreement? Speakers: Dr. Oliver Schenker (ZEW), Jos Delbeke (European Commission, Director General for Climate Action), Prof. Dr. Rudolf Schuessler (University Bayreuth, Professor of Philosophy) Location of the event: Representation of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg to the European Union, Rue Belliard 60-62, B-1040 Brussels Additional Information: http://www.zew.de/en/events/2145 7.2. Scientific Events 01.10.2015 ZEW Research Seminar: Gender and the Effect of Working Hours on Firm-Sponsored Training Speaker: Matteo Picchio (Marche Polytechnic University) Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional Information: http://www.zew.de/en/events/2210 01.10.2015 ZEW Lectures on Economic Policy: The External Effects of Power Generation on Local Housing Markets Speaker: Prof. Dr. Piet Eichholtz (Maastricht University) Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional Information: http://www.zew.de/en/events/2195 01.-02.10.2015 Conference: Second Annual MaTax Conference Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional Information: http://www.zew.de/en/events/2129 08.-09.10.2015 Conference: Fifth SEEK Conference: Overcoming the Crisis. How to Foster Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Europe? Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional Information: http://www.zew.de/en/events/2112 14.10.2015 ZEW Research Seminar: The Revenue and Base Effects of Local Tax Hikes: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment Speaker: Thushyanthan Baskaran (University of Siegen) Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional Information: http://www.zew.de/en/events/2215 22.-23.10.2015 Conference: MACCI Law and Economics Conference on New Media: Industry Development and Public Policy Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional Information: http://www.zew.de/en/events/2207 29.10.2015 ZEW Research Seminar: The Intended and Unintended Consequences of Parental Leave Policies Speaker: Dr. Martin Halla (University of Innsbruck) Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional Information: http://www.zew.de/en/events/2214 05.11.2015 ZEW Lectures on Economic Policy: European Economic Growth in the Information Age Speaker: Prof. Mary O'Mahony (ZEW) Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional Information: http://www.zew.de/en/events/2197 06.-07.11.2015 Conference: Seventh ReCapNet Conference: Real Estate, Financial Stability, and the Macroeconomy Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional Information: http://www.zew.de/en/events/2121 23.-24.11.2015 Workshop: IAB/ZEW Workshop: Assessing the Impact of Human Resource Management Practices Location of the event: ZEW, Mannheim Additional Information: http://www.zew.de/en/events/2166 8. JOB OFFERS 04.09.2015 Researcher (100%) (Advanced Doctoral Candidate or Postdoc) for the Research Department "Corporate Taxation and Public Finance" For the complete job offer, please visit: http://www.zew.de/en/job-offers/441 ____________________________________________________________________ IMPRINT Publisher: Centre for European Economic Research GmbH (ZEW) L 7, 1 - 68161 Mannheim - Germany - http://www.zew.eu Phone +49 621/1235-01 Fax +49 621/1235-255 Seat of the company: Mannheim - Local Court Mannheim HRB 6554 Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board: Theresia Bauer, MdL, Minister of Science, Research, and the Arts of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg Executive Directors: Prof. Dr. Clemens Fuest, Thomas Kohl Editor: Yvonne Braeutigam, yvonne.braeutigam at zew.de E-mail: newsletter-en at zew.de Editorial assistants: Julia Glashauser, Jule Zenker, Constanze Adler Responsibility: Gunter Grittmann, grittmann at zew.de Legal note: http://www.zew.eu/legalnote You can subscribe/unsubscribe at any time - online via http://www.zew.eu/newsletter or - mail to zew-newsletter-englishedition-request at mx-assp2.zew.de Subject: (leave blank!) 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