Publikationen des Forschungsbereichs Arbeitsmärkte und Sozialversicherungen

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 09-014 // 2009

    Occupational and Locational Substitution: Measuring the Effect of Occupational and Regional Mobility

    The paper analyzes effects of occupational and regional mobility on the matching rate using the monthly panel disaggregated on regional and occupational level. The main contribution of the paper is measuring…

  2. Discussion und Working Paper // 2009

    Do German Welfare-to-Work Programmes Reduce Welfare and Increase Work?

    In den vergangenen Jahren wurden in vielen Ländern Reformen im Bereich der Sozialen Sicherung vorgenommen. In Deutschland ist dieser Reformprozess insbesondere durch die sogenannte Hartz IV-Reform…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 09-012 // 2009

    Earnings of Men and Women in Firms with a Female Dominated Workforce - What Drives the Impact of Sex Segregation on Wages?

    This study analyzes the relationship between the segregation of women across establishments and the salaries paid to men and women. My aim is to separate the impact the proportion of women working within an…

  4. ZEWnews // 2009

    03 - 2009

  5. ZEWnews // 2009

    01/02 - 2009

    • Vortrag von Bundeskanzlerin Merkel zu wirtschaftspolitischen Fragen
    • Familiäre Umstände bei der Geburt bestimmen den späteren Schulerfolg
    • Internationale Mobilität von Forschern ist für Heimat- und Gastland…
  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 09-005 // 2009

    Why Pay Seniority Wages?

    This paper characterises establishments that pay higher seniority wages than their competitors. It tests whether seniority wages are paid on the basis of agency, human capital or efficiency wage…

  7. Beiträge in Sammel- und Tagungsbänden // 2009

    Wage convergence and inequality after unification: (East) Germany in transition

    This paper investigates the wage convergence between East German workers and their West German counterparts after reunification. Our research is based on a com-parison of three groups of workers defined as…