Publikationen des Forschungsbereichs Digitale Ökonomie

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 05-78 // 2005

    Is a Newspaper's Companion Website a Competing Outlet Channel for the Print Version?

    This paper uses Granger non{causality tests to analyze if channel competition exists between the companion websites of 93 German newspapers observed between I/1998 and II/2005. It provides econometric evidence…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 05-57 // 2005

    Technology Use, Organisational Flexibility and Innovation: Evidence for Germany

    This paper investigates to what extent the usage of information and communication technology (ICT) fosters innovation activities by facilitating more flexible organisational structures in firms. We distinguish…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 05-52 // 2005

    The Virtual Location of E-Tailers: Evidence from a B2C E-Commerce Market

    An Internet retailer’s (e-tailer’s) outstanding virtual location enhances the probability of being noticed by potential customers. The notion of a virtual location for e-tailers refers to the analogy to the…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 05-49 // 2005

    Do Magazines’ “Companion Websites” Cannibalize the Demand for the Print Version?

    We analyze the relationship between website visits, magazine demand and the demand for advertising pages using Granger non-causality tests on the basis of an extensive and externally audited quarterly data set…

  5. Gutachten // 2005

    Verbreitung von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in Deutschland 2003

    Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) spielen als Basistechnologie für die gesamtwirtschaftlichen Innovations- und Wachstumspotenziale eine Schlüsselrolle. Der Bericht beschreibt die Struktur und…

  6. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2005

    What's Spurious? What's Real? Measuring the Productivity Impacts of ICT at the Firm Level

    In order to assess the productivity effects of information and communication technologies (ICT), regressions based on cross-sectional firm-level data may yield unreliable results for the commonly employed…

  7. ZEW-Wachstums- und Konjunkturanalysen // 2005

    Nr. 4 (Dezember) - 2005

    • Konjunkturaussichten für Deutschland - heiter bis wolkig
    • Die voraussichtliche Lage in der EWU
    • ZEW-Finanzmarkttest: Ergebnisse der Novemberumfrage 2005
    • Dienstleister der Informationsgesellschaft: Aufschwung setzt…