Publikationen des Forschungsbereichs Innovationsökonomik und Unternehmensdynamik

  1. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2022

    The Interplay Between Product Innovation, Publishing, Patenting, and Developing Standards

    Firms use a variety of practices to disclose the knowledge generated by their R&D activities, including, but not limited to, publishing findings in scientific journals, patenting new technologies, and…

  2. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2022

    Greenwashing in the US metal industry? A novel approach combining SO2 concentrations from satellite data, a plant-level firm database and web text mining,

    This study deals with the issue of greenwashing, i.e. the false portrayal of companies as environmentally friendly. The analysis focuses on the US metal industry, which is a major emission source of sulfur…

  3. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2022

    Green start-ups and the role of founder personality

    Green start-ups play a vital role in the needed transition towards more environmentally sustainable economies. Yet our understanding of why some founders start green ventures and others do not remains…

  4. M&A-Report // 2022

    April 2022

    • M&A-Aktivitäten in Deutschland starten eher verhalten ins Jahr 2022
    • Sind Fusionen und Übernahmen in den letzten zehn Jahren grüner geworden?
    • Übernahmen im Versorgungssektor – ist eine Trendwende in Aussicht?
  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 22-011 // 2022

    The Rise of Process Claims: Evidence From a Century of U.S. Patents

    We document the occurrence of process claims in granted U.S. patents over the last century. Using novel data on the type of independent patent claims, we show an increase in the annual share of process claims of…