Publikationen des Forschungsbereichs Innovationsökonomik und Unternehmensdynamik

  1. ZEWnews // 1999

    03 - 1999

  2. ZEWnews English edition // 1999

    No. 1 - 1999

    • Tax Reform: Only Few Growth Impulses
    • Are Cities the Centres of Innovation?
    • Biomass: A Promising Energy Source
    • Results of the Survey in January 1999
    • The End of the Depreciation Threat
    • Pricing Strategies on Export…
  3. ZEWnews // 1999

    01/02 - 1999

    • Fitneß-Programm für die Wirtschaft
    • Integrierter Umweltschutz: Weder Jobkiller noch Jobwunder
    • Technologische Leistungsfähigkeit ‘98
    • Barometer für die Transportmärkte
    • Berufsausbildung in Unternehmen
    • Verarbeitendes…
  4. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 1998

    Patents and R&D an Econometric Investigation Using Applications for German, European and US Patents by German Companies

    Based on the data of the first wave of the Mannheim Innovation panel, this paper explores the link between R&D expenditures and patents. Our data allow a detailed analysis of the firm size distribution of R&D…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 98-35 // 1998

    Where to Patent? Theory and Evidence on International Patenting

    This paper builds on the repeatedly documented empirical observation that flows of international patent applications are closely related to international trade relationships. In the first part of this paper we…