Publikationen des Forschungsbereichs Innovationsökonomik und Unternehmensdynamik

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 04-75 // 2004

    Capital Control, Debt Financing and Innovative Activity

    The present paper first discusses theoretically the different incentives of manager- versus owner-controlled firms for investment into innovative activity. In addition, the role of debt financing is analyzed.…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 04-81 // 2004

    True Versus Spurious State Dependence in Firm Performance: The Case of West German Exports

    This paper analyzes the persistence of firms' exporting behavior in a panel of West German manufacturing firms. Dynamic binary choice models allow us to distinguish between true and spurious state dependence in…

  3. Gutachten // 2004

    European competitiveness report 2004

    This is the eighth edition of the Commission’s Report on European Competitiveness since the 1994 Industry Council Resolution that established the basis for the Competitiveness Report. As in recent editions,…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 04-45 // 2004

    B2B or Not to Be: Does B2B E-Commerce Increase Labour Productivity?

    We implement an endogeneous switching-regression model for labour productivity and firms' decision to use business-to-business (B2B)e-commerce. Our approach allows B2B usage to affect any parameter of the labour…