1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 98-32 // 1998

    R&D cooperation and R&D intensity: Theory and Micro-Econometric Evidence for Germany

    This paper develops a three stage oligopoly game for R&D cooperation, R&D expenditure and product market competition. In the first stage, firms decide whether or not to conduct R&D in cooperation with other…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 98-31 // 1998

    The Goals of Sustainable Development and the Reform of the EU Banana Trade Regime. A Discussion of Different Trade Instruments

    Ideally a new reform of the EU trade regime for bananas (COMB) should be equipped in a way that it makes a long-term contribution to the realisation of sustainable goals, or at least does not prevent them. From…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 98-28 // 1998

    Pricing to Market of German Exporters: Evidence from Panel Data

    This paper investigates price discrimination of German exporters across different foreign markets. We examine the degree of pass-through of exchange rate fluctuations in the pricing of 70 export items. The model…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 98-21 // 1998

    Lending Relationships in Germany - Empirical Evidence from Survey Data

    We examine empirically the role of lending relationships in determining the costs and collateral requirements for external funds. The data originate from a recently concluded survey of small and medium-sized…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 98-19 // 1998

    Electoral Competition under Media Influence

    We suggest a model of electoral competition between two parties which is extended by a third player: mass media. The classical one-dimensional competition model is changed by introducing an issue-specific…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 98-17 // 1998

    Finanzierungsstrukturen im Vergleich. Eine Analyse europäischer Unternehmen

    Auch dreißig Jahre nach dem Artikel von Modigliani und Miller und zahllosen weiteren Veröffentlichungen ist die Frage zur Finanzierungsstruktur von Unternehmen weitgehend ungelöst. Dabei ist insbesondere in der…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 98-15 // 1998

    Tradable SO2-Permits in the European Union: A Practicable Scheme for Public Utilities

    In this paper, a practicable scheme of SO2-emission permits for European power producers is developed. Background is the second UN-ECE Sulphur Protocol from 1994 (Protocol of Oslo). After discussing some…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 98-14 // 1998

    Innovationsstrategien und Forschungsaktivitäten ostdeutscher Unternehmen

    This paper deals with the innovation behavior and the R&D activities at the firm level in East Germany. The theoretical and empirical analyses lead to the conclusion that the relatively low level of the R&D…

  9. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 98-12 // 1998

    Climate Change Policy and Burden Sharing in the European Union - Applying Alternative Equity Rules to a CGE-framework

    The objective of this paper is to present different equity rules that can be applied to the initial allocation of greenhouse gas entitlements and to analyse the potential impacts of these rules EU-wide as well…

  10. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 98-09 // 1998

    Beschäftigungsdynamik in jungen innovativen Unternehmen : Empirische Ergebnisse für West-Deutschland

    The contribution of New Technology-based Firms (NTBFs) to long term economic development is at the centre of a controversial debate. The paper deals with the question whether NTBFs grow faster than…

  11. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 98-08 // 1998

    Modelling of Foreign Trade in Applied General Equilibrium Models: Theoretical Approaches and Sensivity Analysis with the GEM-E3 Model

    The specification of the world closure, i.e. the way of closing the domestic economy model by incorporating the external sector, is a crucial component for those models in which production and consumption is not…

  12. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 98-06 // 1998

    External Costs of Road, Rail and Air Transport - a Bottom-Up Approach

    This paper aims to describe the calculation of environmental and health externalities caused by air pollutants, accidents and noise from different transport modes (road, rail, air) on the route Frankfurt-Milan.…