1. ZEW policy brief Nr. 24-01 // 2024

    Global Influence of Inventions and Technology Sovereignty

    The global economic landscape has fundamentally shifted from the paradigm of globalization to renewed concerns regarding the risks and rewards of technological interdependence. This shift has sparked a critical…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 24-023 // 2024

    Location Factors and Ecosystem Embedding of Sustainability-Engaged Blockchain Companies in the US. A Web-Based Analysis

    While many digital technologies provide opportunities for creating business models with an impact on sustainability, some technologies, especially blockchain applications, are often criticized for harming the…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 24-022 // 2024

    The Digital Economy, Global Tax Reforms and Developing Countries – An Evaluation of Pillar I and Art. 12B UN Model

    This paper evaluates the Multilateral Convention to implement Pillar I Amount A, released by the OECD in October 2023, and the alternative proposal of Art. 12B for tax treaties suggested by the UN, with a…

  4. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2024

    April 2024

    • Erholung der Weltwirtschaft befeuert Konjunkturerwartungen
    • Eurozone: Deutlich optimistischerer Konjunkturausblick
    • USA: Lageeinschätzung verbessert sich deutlich
    • China: Erwartungen und Lagebewertung steigen…
  5. #ZEWPodcast // 2024

    „Einmal ZEW, immer ZEW“

    Viele Wissenschaftler/innen verlassen das ZEW nach ihrer Promotion. Einer dieser Alumni ist Dr. Timo Reister, der zwischenzeitlich zum stellvertretenden Vorstandsvorsitzenden des Schmierstoffkonzerns Fuchs SE…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 24-021 // 2024

    Minimum Wages and Insurance within the Firm

    Minimum wages generate an asymmetric pass-through of firm shocks across workers. We establish this result leveraging employer-employee data on Italian metal manufacturing firms, which face different wage floors…

  7. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2024

    The Demand for Voluntary Carbon Sequestration – Experimental Evidence from a Reforestation Project in Germany

    This study explores the individual willingness to pay (WTP) for carbon removal through afforestation as a complementary climate change mitigation strategy. Using a framed-field experiment, we assess the impact…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 24-017 // 2024

    Fueling Electrification: The Impact of Gas Prices on Hybrid Car Usage

    We use micro-level data on fuel consumption, mileage, and travel mode to study plug-in hybrid drivers’ response to fuel prices. When fuel prices rise, plug-in hybrids reduce fuel consumption more than gasoline…

  9. ZEW policy brief Nr. 24-05 // 2024

    Intransparente EU-Verschuldung: Deutschlands Anteil liegt bei 262 Milliarden Euro

    Die Zahlen zur deutschen Staatsverschuldung sind zunehmend unvollständig, weil sie die auf Deutschland entfallenden Verpflichtungen für wachsende EU-Schulden ausblenden. Nach Auszahlung aller Mittel aus dem…

  10. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 24-011 // 2024

    Sick Leave and Medical Leave in the United States: A Categorization and Recent Trends

    This article reviews the current debate about sick pay mandates and medical leave in the United States. The United States is one of three industrialized countries that do not guarantee access to paid sick leave…