1. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2024

    Innovation strategies for non-existent markets - Profiting from urban air mobility

    Technological advances have paved the way for urban air mobility (UAM) as a new mode of transportation, providing solutions for both inner-city and regional transportation. Novel vertical take-off and landing…

  2. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2024

    From diversity to sustainability: Environmental and social spillover effects of board gender quotas

    Exploiting the staggered implementation of board gender quotas in Europe, this study examines their effect on firms’ environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. I find that firms’ environmental and…

  3. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2024

    Eating Habits, Food Consumption, and Health: The Role of Early Life Experiences

    This study explores the long-run effects of a temporary scarcity of a consumption good on preferences towards that good once the shock is over. Specifically,

    we focus on individuals who were children during…

  4. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2024

    Pricing Carbon in a Multi-Sector Economy with Social Discounting

    Economists tend to view a uniform emissions price as the most cost-effective approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This paper scrutinizes the assumptions in general equilibrium which underlie the…

  5. ZEW Monthly // 2024

    04/2024 – Unser Alumni-Netzwerk

    Das ZEW wäre nicht das ZEW ohne seine Alumni und Alumnae – und so widmen wir das ZEW Monthly im April unserem Alumni-Netzwerk und seinen über 600 Mitgliedern.
    Erfahren Sie in den Testimonials Ehemaliger, wie…

  6. ZEW policy brief Nr. 24-06 // 2024

    Using Market Design to Improve Red Teaming of Generative AI Models

    With the final approval of the EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act), it is now clear that general-purpose AI (GPAI) models with systemic risk will need to undergo adversarial testing. This provision is a…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 24-024 // 2024

    Global Influence of Inventions and Technology Sovereignty

    We analyze the technology sovereignty of Europe, the US, China, Japan, and Korea, representing the world’s leading innovators. By examining citations from the universe of PCT patent applications between 2000 and…