Is Xi reducing income inequality by catching “tigers”?

Fachzeitschrift // 2024
Fachzeitschrift // 2024

Is Xi reducing income inequality by catching “tigers”?

How Corruption Fuels Inequality in China

Graft on a Staggering Scale Warps the Country’s Economy

After Chinese President Xi Jinping rose to power in 2012, his government launched a sweeping anticorruption campaign that attracted worldwide attention for its scope and determination. Powerful figures, long considered untouchable, were found guilty of bribery or of misusing funds and jailed. These punishments initially encouraged the impression among some commentators that Xi might be using the initiative to sideline or persecute his political opponents.

Yang, Li und Branko Milanovic (2024), Is Xi reducing income inequality by catching “tigers”? , Foreign Affairs

Autoren/-innen Li Yang // Branko Milanovic