Firm ownership is a major determinant for the economic performance of firms, and emissions of pollutants are often by-products of industrial production. We investigate the impact of ownership on pollutant…
In many countries, governments have put in place targeted programs intended to support energy efficiency investments by low-income households, but have encountered low take-up even when subsidies are high. Using…
Many industrialized countries have recognized the need to mitigate energy cost increases faced by low-income households by fostering the adoption of energy-efficient technologies. How to meet this need is an…
Bei Förderprogrammen steht eine hohe Bedürftigkeit knappen öffentlichen Mitteln gegenüber. Deswegen sollten sie wirksam sein. Das trifft auch auf neuere Förderprogramme zu, die einkommensschwachen Haushalten…
Environmental subsidies are a popular public finance instrument used to reduce carbon emissions. However, there is little evidence on the mechanisms underlying the demand response to the introduction of a…
Many industrialized countries have recognized the need to mitigate energy cost increases faced by low-income households by fostering the adoption of energy-efficient technologies. How to meet this need is an…
Das Pariser Klimaabkommen sieht vor, die globale Erderwärmung auf unter 2°C gegenüber dem vorindustriellen Niveau zu begrenzen. Eine Herausforderung, deren Erfolg von der internationalen Kooperation der…
International climate negotiations have so far failed to produce ambitious climate cooperation. We combine laboratory experiments with simulations to investigate the performance of two negotiation design…
Absatzschwierigkeiten von E-Autos, das geplante „Verbrennerverbot“ ab 2035, der Zustand der Deutschen Bahn und die Diskussion um das Für und Wider von Flugtaxis: Das Thema Verkehr nimmt aktuell viel Raum in…