Publikationen des Forschungsbereichs Altersvorsorge und nachhaltige Finanzmärkte

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 02-59 // 2002

    Backwardation and Normal Backwardation in Energy Futures Markets.

    We show that, since the inception of energy futures markets, prices have on average exhibited backwardation. Normal backwardation has also been the norm, but, because of the low power of the standard tests, most…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 02-36 // 2002

    Relative Specialisation of EU Regions: An Econometric Analysis of Sectoral Gross Fixed Capital Formation

    This paper analyses the level of relative specialisation in terms of gross fixed capital formation in EU regions for the period between 1985 and 1994. Controlling for heteroscedasticity and potential…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 02-27 // 2002

    The Benefits of Creating an Integrated EU Market for Investment Funds

    The fast growing EU market for investment funds is still characterised by a continuing relevance of national borders. This papers assesses this market’s degree of integration, the potential benefits from more…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 02-26 // 2002

    Integration Benefits on EU Retail Credit Markets – Evidence from Interest Rate Pass-through

    Lending and borrowing interest rates are often slow to adjust to changing capital market conditions. This paper argues that national differences of the pass-through speed in the EU can be regarded as a…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 02-24 // 2002

    Integration of the European Market for E-Finance – Evidence from Online Brokerage

    The internet revolution is said to foster integration of the market for financial services, since consumers are able to shop around at all companies worldwide and firms can easily offer their services on the…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 02-22 // 2002

    How Integrated are the European Retail Financial Markets? A Cointegration Analysis

    With the introduction of the Euro, a single European money market has emerged. Further wholesale financial markets are considered to be highly integrated within the European Union. However, integration in…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 02-21 // 2002

    The Threat of Systemic Risk in Banking – Evidence for Europe

    This paper attempts to answer the question whether the threat of systemic risk in banking exists only on a national or on a European level. Following De Nicolo and Kwast (2001), mean rolling-window…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 02-20 // 2002

    Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Consumer Prices: A European Perspective

    We study the pass-through of exchange rate changes to consumer prices for the euro area by estimating vector error correction models for Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain. Using the weights of…

  9. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 02-19 // 2002

    Factor Mobility, Government Debt and the Decline in Public Investment

    This paper tries to explain the declining level of public investment in OECD countries. The theoretical framework hints to the relevance of a number of demand and supply factors – ranging from the yield of…

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