Early retirement options are usually targeted at employees at risk of not reaching their regular retirement age in employment. An important at‐risk group comprises employees who have worked in demanding jobs for…
This paper investigates the role of biased health perceptions as a potential driving force ofrisky health behaviors. We define absolute and relative health perception biases, illustratetheir measurement in…
Using a randomized field experiment, we show that health care specialists cream-skim pa- tients by their expected profitability. In the German two-tier system, outpatient reimburse- ment rates for both public…
We study US sick leave use and unaddressed sick leave needs in the midst of the global severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS COV 2) pandemic based on a representative survey. More than half…
Durch die Corona-Pandemie haben digitale Technologien in Unternehmen an Bedeutung gewonnen. Auf Basis einer Betriebsbefragung des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung untersuchen die Autor:innen, ob…
We investigate how workers adjust to firms’ investments into new digital technologies, including artificial intelligence, augmented reality, or 3D printing. For this, we collected novel data that links survey…
Does the politico-economic system affect preferences for immigration? In this study, I show that individuals exposed to life under state socialism have formed and persistently hold different attitudes toward…
This paper studies the evolution of three higher education wage differentials from 1996 to 2019 in Germany, a period when significant changes in the educational composition of the workforce took place. Based on…
Das Forschungsprojekt „Analysen zu Kosten und Erträgen von Fachwechsel und Studienabbruch“ (AKEFS) untersucht ausgewählte Ursachen und ökonomische Konsequenzen von Fachwechseln und einem Studium ohne Abschluss…