Publikationen des Forschungsbereichs Innovationsökonomik und Unternehmensdynamik

  1. M&A-Report // 2018

    Oktober 2018

    • Deutscher M&A-Index stabilisert sich
    • USA überholen EU bei M&A im Bankensektor
    • US-Tech-Konzerne schlucken kleine Rivalen
    • Familienunternehmen zurückhaltend bei M&A
  2. ZEW policy brief Nr. 18-07 // 2018

    Neue Perspektiven in der europäischen Innovationspolitik

    Innovationen sind für das Wirtschaftswachstum von grundlegender Bedeutung. Regierungen sollten daher Anreize für Unternehmen setzen, verstärkt in Innovationen zu investieren. Bei FuE-Investitionen verliert…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 18-042 // 2018

    Market Liberalization: Price Dispersion, Price Discrimination and Consumer Search in the German Electricity Markets

    We study how consumer search affects pricing in markets with incumbents and entrants using panel data on German electricity retail markets. Consumers observe the baseline price of the incumbent and decide…

  4. ZEWnews // 2018

    09 - 2018

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 18-033 // 2018

    Web Mining of Firm Websites: A Framework for Web Scraping and a Pilot Study for Germany

    Existing approaches to model innovation ecosystems have been mostly restricted to qualitative and small-scale levels or, when relying on traditional innovation indicators such as patents and questionnaire-based…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 18-034 // 2018

    Foreign Competition and Executive Compensation in the Manufacturing Industry – A Comparison between Germany and the U.S.

    In this study we use import penetration as a proxy for foreign competition in order to empirically analyze (1) the impact of foreign competition on managerial compensation, (2) differences in the impact between…