Publikationen des Forschungsbereichs Innovationsökonomik und Unternehmensdynamik

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 16-083 // 2016

    Geographical Clustering and the Effectiveness of Public Innovation Programs

    The paper analyzes how geographical clustering of beneficiaries might affect the effectiveness of public innovation support programs. The geographical proximity of firms operating in the same industry or field…


    Jahrgang 16, Nr.6, Dezember 2016

    • Regionale Spezialisierung bei Gründungen der Softwarebranche
    • INVEST: Ein Programm, das wirkt
    • Sanierungsinstrumente für insolvente Unternehmen
  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 16-080 // 2016

    Microgeography of Innovation in the City: Location Patterns of Innovative Firms in Berlin

    This paper investigates the micro-location pattern of innovative and non-innovative firms in Berlin using detailed information on the firms' addresses and their local environment. The study employs a unique,…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 16-079 // 2016

    The Growth and Human Capital Structure of New Firms over the Business Cycle

    Recent research suggests that employment in young firms is more negatively impacted during economic downturns than employment in incumbent firms. This questions the effectiveness of policies that promote…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 16-078 // 2016

    The Contribution of Different Public Innovation Funding Programs to SMEs’ Export Performance

    This paper studies the effects of different public innovation funding programs on the innovation output and export performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). We evaluate the effectiveness of…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 16-077 // 2016

    Innovation, Creative Destruction, and Structural Change: Firm-Level Evidence from European Countries

    The shift of employment from lower to higher productive firms is an important driver for structural change and industry dynamics. We investigate this reallocation in terms of employment gains and losses from…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 16-076 // 2016

    Employment Effects of Innovations over the Business Cycle: Firm-Level Evidence from European Countries

    A growing literature investigates how firms’ innovation input reacts to changes in the business cycle. However, so far there is no evidence whether there is cyclicality in the effects of innovation on firm…