Publikationen des Forschungsbereichs Innovationsökonomik und Unternehmensdynamik

  1. ZEWnews English edition // 2015

    03/04 - 2015

    • Leniency Programmes as an Instrument for Uncovering Cartels in Europe
    • The Downside of the Energy Transition
    • Regulation Is Impeding the Growth of Fibre-Optic Networks in Europe
    • Innovation Saves Jobs During Downturns
  2. ZEWnews // 2015

    04 - 2015

    • Familienunternehmen: Standort Deutschland punktet bei Finanzierung und Bildung
    • Forschungskooperationen von Startups mit Hochschulen schaffen mehr Arbeitsplätze
    • Klimapolitik braucht soziale Gerechtigkeit
    • Den…
  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 15-016 // 2015

    Women on the Board and Executive Duration – Evidence for European Listed Firms

    The participation of women in top-level corporate boards (or rather the lack of it) is subject to intense public debate. Several countries are considering legally binding quotas to increase the share of women on…