Publikationen des Forschungsbereichs Marktdesign

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 23-051 // 2023

    Revenue Maximization with Partially Verifiable Information

    I consider a seller selling a good to bidders with two-dimensional private information: their valuation for a good and their characteristic. While valuations are non-verifiable, characteristics are partially…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 23-050 // 2023

    Mechanism Design for Unequal Societies

    We study optimal mechanisms for a utilitarian designer who seeks to assign a finite number of goods to a group of ex ante heterogeneous agents with unit demand. The agents have heterogeneous marginal utilities…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 23-043 // 2023

    Information Asymmetry and Search Intensity

    In markets where sellers’ marginal costs of production have a common component, they have informational advantage over buyers regarding those costs. This information asymmetry between sellers and buyers is…

  4. Referierte Fachzeitschrift // 2023

    A market design solution to a multi-category housing allocation problem

    We study multi-category housing allocation problems: A set of objects, which is
    sorted into categories of equal size, has to be allocated to a set of individuals, such that
    everyone obtains exactly one object from…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 23-038 // 2023

    The Benefits of Auctioneer Competition: Merging Auctions and Adding Auctioneers

    In a lab experiment, we analyze the benefits of increasing competition on auction platforms hosting multiple auctioneers of a homogeneous good. We find that increasing competition by merging separated individual…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 23-029 // 2023

    Full Surplus Extraction from Colluding Bidders

    I consider a repeated auction setting with colluding buyers and a seller who adjusts reserve prices over time without long-term commitment. To model the seller’s concern for collusion, I introduce a new…