State-owned enterprises (SOEs) provide opportunities for a more flexible and marketbased provision of public services. At the same time, they may impair fiscal transparency and offer politicians discretion in…
In this paper, we study the extent to which ministers engage in regional favoritism. We are the first to provide a comprehensive analysis of a larger set of the governing elite, not just focusing on the primary…
In this paper, we study the extent to which ministers engage in regional favoritism. We are the first to provide a comprehensive analysis of a larger set of the governing elite, not just focusing on the primary…
Der für die Gastronomie aktuell reduzierte Mehrwertsteuersatz soll Ende 2023 auslaufen. Allerdings wünschen sich einige Politiker/innen, Verbände und Gastwirte/-innen eine Entfristung der 7-Prozent-Regelung und…
Clustering of the two most competitive bids in first-price auctions can be indicative of collusive behavior. However, it can also reflect non-cooperative strategies under complete information. I propose a simple…