ZEW Discussion Papers


Mit diesen Beiträgen, die überwiegend in Englisch verfasst sind, beteiligen sich die Forscher/innen des ZEW an wissenschaftlichen Fachdebatten. Die Publikationen enthalten vorläufige Beiträge, die zur Veröffentlichung in Fachzeitschriften vorgesehen sind. Die Discussion Papers können ab 1.1.1998 als pdf-Datei abgerufen werden. Sie richten sich an nationale und internationale Zielgruppen.

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 08-070 // 2008

    Grade Inflation, Social Background, and Labour Market Matching

    A model is presented where workers of differing abilities and from different social backgrounds are assigned to jobs based on grades received at school. It is examined how this matching is affected if good…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 08-069 // 2008

    Commercializing Academic Research: The Quality of Faculty Patenting

    The knowledge produced by academic scientists has been identified as a potential key driver of technological progress. Recent policies in Europe aim at increasing commercially orientated activities in academe.…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 08-068 // 2008

    Sensitivity Analysis in Economic Simulations - A Systematic Approach

    Sensitivity analysis studies how the variation in the numerical output of a model can be quantitatively apportioned to different sources of variation in basic input parameters. Thus, it serves to examine the…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 08-067 // 2008

    Self-Productivity and Complementarities in Human Development: Evidence from MARS

    This paper investigates the role of self-productivity and home resources in capability formation from infancy to adolescence. In addition, we study the complementarities between basic cognitive, motor and…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 08-066 // 2008

    CO2 Emission Reduction in Freight Transports How to Stimulate Environmental Friendly Behaviour?

    In the European Union (EU) and in Germany the transport sector is the only sector with increasing CO2 emissions (in the EU by about 32 % and in Germany by about 1 % since 1990). Especially in road freight and…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 08-065 // 2008

    A Critical Note on the Forecast Error Variance Decomposition

    The paper questions the reasonability of using forecast error variance decompositions for assessing the role of different structural shocks in business cycle fluctuations. It is shown that the forecast error…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 08-064 // 2008

    Knowledge Production in Nanomaterials: An Application of Spatial Filtering to Regional Systems of Innovation

    Nanomaterials are seen as a key technology for the 21st Century, and much is expected of them in terms of innovation and economic growth. They could open the way to many radically new applications, which would…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 08-063 // 2008

    Individual Determinants of Social Fairness Assessments – The Case of Germany

    In this contribution we study the determinants of how individuals assess the social fairness of a given income distribution. We propose an analytical framework distinguishing between potential impact factors…

  9. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 08-062 // 2008

    Explaining the Employability Gap of Short-term and Long-term Unemployed Persons

    This paper analyzes the determinants of employability differences between short-term and long-term unemployed persons. Knowing these differences could help to address active labor market policy programs more…

Kontakt für Bestellungen

Kerstin Heres

Kerstin Heres

Informations- und Wissensmanagement, Vertrieb E-Mail kerstin.heres@zew.de Telefon +49 (0)621 1235-130
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